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Has Anyone here had a total colectomy with a permanent ileostomy??
Any help would be much appreciated.
Surgery is Wednesday.
We meet with stoma nurse tomorrow.
I just feel lost. Hoping after my pre op appointments tomorrow I will feel better.

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Replies to "Hey Has Anyone here had a total colectomy with a permanent ileostomy?? Any help would be..."

I know its frighten with the unknown , First nurses drs are great especially in this area. There is not pain. Do not concern yourself about that. You will have a nurse come to your home once you are discharge from hospital to train you at home and you will receive training in hospital as well. I video the training as I knew I was so nervous I would easily forget. OMD did that help I din't have to be calling nurse constantly.

You many want to sleep initially on a recliner. OMG that works really well as you don't have to compromise your stomach in anyway. Lifting you legs for circulation also helps a great deal.

I am compulsively clean, I had deodorizer tables into the bag as I did not want to smell a thing, They work. You will receive clear plastic patches to put over the area of surgery so. you can shower, Bathing is out of the question As told my my drs. I loved bathing, IT's gone as area cannot get wet at all. I also used an anapestic cream when I removed the plastic covering after showering. There are different kind of equipment nurse hopefully will provide you with what is most comfortable for you. In winter it not a bother. Best of luck to you and you will be fine, It's takes a while getting used to yet it's doable. I had a stoma bag for 3 1/2 months post kidney transplant as I caught an infection in my intestines... Take care and contact me if you have ant other questions.