can I survive PC (Gleason score 7) with just external beam radiation?
I was diagnosed with PC in Jan of this year. it appears from my biopsy that i am in a high-risk category and my urologist advises a combo of radiation which i started this week and hormone therapy. I balked at Lupron, and he suggested orgovyx. I would dearly love to avoid any sort of hormone therapy and was wondering if anyone on this forum has ha experience with just radiation given my information above? thanks
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Greetings from Ireland. Diagnosed 3+4,with psa in the thirties,i am regarded as high risk. Initially,i was put on Bicalutimide. Even the name sounds like its poisonous. Due to serious palpitations,i had to come off them and go on Firmagon injections with cauuse frequent hot flushes which are really bad at present due to our hot weather.