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dahk, It is so hard to get a balance with Miralax isn't it? If your doctor tells you to use more than 4 caps, then personally I would try it. BUT, you have to drink a lot of water along with Miralax to get it to work. Miralax works slow and I found it took time to get the right balance for sure. I agree about the junk food. It taste so good and is so addictive....like sugar is. Who can eat 1 Hershey kiss? LOL. Personally, I would try the sugar free candy again and just eat less than you did before and see if that helps. York Peppermint Patties has a zero sugar one out now that I put in the freezer. They are delicious. I can only find them on Amazon Fresh. I do not know the maximum dosage on the Linzess. I would ask my doctor about that. Do you take Magnesium 200 mg during the day? That helps with constipation, relaxes yours muscles and lowers BP. This is the same thing that is in M.OM. (Milk of Magnesia)...Magnesium. I personally would not take the magnesium and Linzess at the same time. Add one thing at a time and then you will know what is working. Is it hard for you to relax? If so, do things that help you relax. No doubt, tension & stress add to constipation. I hope some of these things work. God Bless You!

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Replies to "dahk, It is so hard to get a balance with Miralax isn't it? If your doctor..."

Thank you. I don't want to add artificial sweeteners into my system. From all the studies I've read, there's nothing benign about them. I did write to my GI doc today for direction. I don't feel too stressed, but I can always add more meditation/relaxation practices to my day. And, I'm not taking Magnesium, so I will try that after I check w/ my functional medicine doc. It's been on my list. I would like to add it when I introduce foods, 1 by 1 back into my diet. I am concerned that the BP medication I take and the immunologic might be drying out my colon and I am consuming caffeine, but not in coffee, in order to function throughout the day. I haven't used MOM before. I wonder what my doc will suggest.

My doc just responded to my question. He said there’s no limit to miralax so up the dose. He also said try an enema or suppository.