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@delia74, I too am in my 70's. Read the response from @rwinney and her question if I was still pursuing the PRC at Mayo Clinic. The answer is yes, I am as you will see in my response above. Please do not "resign" yourself to a life of chronic pain. There are many things you can do. Graded Motor Imagery including, Mirror therapy, and the Recognise app or Recognise flashcards, meditation, being with friends, etc. Do not discount those methods. You can learn more about them at this website: https://www.noigroup.com/graded-motor-imagery/

I cannot yet vouch for the Mayo PRC as I have not yet been there, but @rwinney has. So read what she has to say and figure out if that is an avenue you would like to explore. Over the past 4 years, I personally have tried many things both within and outside of the bounds of Western medicine. But, I also know the power of my mind/thoughts and the importance of keeping my body moving and as strong as it can be. I want to learn additional skills and techniques to live a quality life despite the pain from CRPS. Plus I need the discipline of a program to keep me moving forward. I believe that the Mayo PRC program will teach me those skills.

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Replies to "@delia74, I too am in my 70's. Read the response from @rwinney and her question if..."

You misunderstood, or I did not explain well enough. I am not resigned to a life of pain, although all my life I have indeed lived with varying degrees of pain from lifelong fibromyalgia, painful uveitis, osteoarthritis, peripheral neuropath, and nerve pain from spinal disorders. I have not allowed these situations get in my way of achieving my degrees, teaching secondary and graduate school, raising 3 children, caring for an elderly parent with dementia and paranoia, and now caregiver to my husband of 52 years. What I am doing is coming to terms with the fact that there are just so many avenues that I am able to pursue, considering the hefty plate that life has served me. So I seek answers, am quite willing to leave doctors that are dismissive, arrogant, hubristic, and have God complexes. Within the last year, I have found and now have on my medical team, incredible orthopedists, ocular immunologist, neurologist, an amazing primary care physician, and a cardiologist who is working to help me deal with the fact that I cannot take statins. Yes, my situation is rather complicated, but I don't give up😊. Thank you for your words of encouragement and your info, all of which are appreciated. I hope you understand more clearly what I am doing with my medical needs. I find great comfort in my writing (working on an adult novel and my memoir, as well as children's books), and I have connections to other writers, some of whom also share similar medical issues. Very comforting to be connected💝🌺.
I thank you for the link, and yes, I will be checking it out.