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Hello @cperlin and @connie2023 -

Wow, @connie2023, this is fantastic information to share. Not only what you have found helpful, but information and positivity. A big take away is to be your own, best advocate - speak the truth!

Connie, have you given further consideration to the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center for learned ways of managing CRPS symptoms?

Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center -

- https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/pain-rehabilitation-center/sections/overview/ovc-20481691

Another way to learn about the PRC is through patient testimonials which really provide an insiders look of personal journeys and experiences. Here's a link to Mayo's newest testimonials, as well as Dr. Sletten's CSS video -

Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center Testimonials:
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSWR1ylG_6JaW_4FLJGeSLwu1lPSRMATp

When I first discovered the PRC it was by way of Dr. Sletten's video about central sensitization. He presents the science behind chronic pain and offers a plan forward to find the best quality of life possible. Have you seen his video?

@cperlin Outside of procedures, implants, medications - have you ever considered a pain rehabilitation program? I went through the whole gambit of injections, nerve blocks, ablations, etc... ,but none of it ever helped enough. I got sick of band aid treatments. I do understand trying everything
(and did) and do respect each person's individual journey of pain management - just throwing out another approach to anyone possibly interested.

Hope you all have a great day!

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Replies to "Hello @cperlin and @connie2023 - Wow, @connie2023, this is fantastic information to share. Not only what..."

@rwinney @cperlin Yes, I have! I had my doctor refer me to the Jacksonville PRC and I have appointments in July with a Pain Management physician and a Psychiatrist as the next step to get accepted into the program. The videos you mention are very good and encouraging to anyone experiencing chronic pain.

Thank you so much for the links along with the info.
I do wish that I could get to Mayo for evaluation, as I have several issues that have been around for several years. A neurologist (was heralded by my primary care provider as being "so highly sought after that you will be getting a very distal appointment") did all that she could with my brain lesions, ataxia, double vision, vertigo, nerve "zaps" and a slew of other things that came to a head in 2014. She even sent me into NYC to be examined by other top neurologists, and no one could give a determination as to whether or not it was MS. Certainly wasn't any of the other disorders/diseases that were tested, and I was grateful for that. But she finally told me I should consider Mayo. Unfortunately, my husband's medical issues did not permit even thinking about it, especially since it is so very far from our home. I cannot travel solo, and have no one else to accompany me, so I am exploring avenues available to me via several great doctors within decent driving distance. It's complicated...but I'm thrilled to have found connect.mayoclinic.org, and that I can have access to such compassionate and helpful people on this site. ¡Mil gracias! I will be going to the sites that have been provided.