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dahk, With you being a functional medicine coach, I take it that you want to go the natural route. I truly respect that. I know that what you have is much worse than my issue, but, maybe something I hit upon with you will help. I tried everything natural for IBS-C (IBS constipation) and nothing worked. Fodmap diet, eating clean (actually made it worse!), gluten free (no change), can't do much natural fiber such as Psyllium & flaxseed, drinking more water, moving more, Kefir, very good probiotics, prune juice, Miralax (trial & error with dosage) etc., Iceberg lettuce is one of my worst culbrits and the preservatives added to salad bars cause severe cramping. Only occasionally do I need to take Milk of Magnesia. I went on Linzess 72 mcg for IBS-C several years and it is the best thing I ever did! I take Bentyl for IBS for colon spasms...works wonders. I realize this is not what you have been diagnosed with, but, just some thoughts. I empathize. It's miserable. Go figure, but sometimes eating occasional junk from a fastfood restaurant helps! I truly wonder if there is a genetic connection as my mom & sister have IBS-C as well. I'm hopeful you will get better and find what works for you. Bless you!

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Replies to "dahk, With you being a functional medicine coach, I take it that you want to go..."

I don't see my reply to you so maybe I hadn't send it. I welcome your experience. I have taken Linzess 290 mg 3 nights in a row w/ no result, as of now. You reminded me that I used to go when I had sugary junk foods which I don't consume anymore. Also what was terrible but made me go was sugar free (candy or chocolate). That would give copious amounts of gas, too. I'm wondering if my colon is dried out and doesn't retain fluid. My doc. tells me to use more than 3 caps of Miralax daily. I haven't 4 caps consistently bc it just seems too much and if 2 caps don't work, is 4 better? Maybe I will try Milk of Mg. I take Colazol when I have spasms (not too frequently). I would really like to find a healthy way of eating bc I get addicted to junk food if I eat it, so I don't want to.