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I have combined the Institute of Functional Medicine elimination diet with the Monash Low Fodmap diet, plus only low histamine producing foods since May 10th. It is now June 16th. I will continue for 3 more weeks before reintroducing food one at a time. I am experimenting on myself. Two years ago, I became a Functional Medicine Coach. I wanted to apply this medical approach and knowledge to see if it worked for me. If it will, I will have my own personal experience to share. 2 years ago, my BMI was in the morbidly obese category, Now I'm in the obese category and hopefully this year, I will be in the overweight category. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy this week and found out I have a redundant/tortuous colon. I was in the hospital, under anesthesia for the procedure. My gastritis symptoms have gone down to mild (no medication nec,) and I'm waiting for biopsies of both ends. After 4 weeks on these combined diets, I still experience extreme constipation with no urge. I'm only in the beginning phase of elimination. The only supplements I'm takinh are D3 50,000 IU 1x wk (until my D level is around 60) and Digest Tone (Triphala and Rose, an Ayurvedic px). I get a Xolair injection (a monoclonal antibody that inhibits IgE production) eve. 2 mos. for an autoimmune condition. Nothing has been successful for the constipation. I welcome all comments and ideas.

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Replies to "I have combined the Institute of Functional Medicine elimination diet with the Monash Low Fodmap diet,..."

dahk, With you being a functional medicine coach, I take it that you want to go the natural route. I truly respect that. I know that what you have is much worse than my issue, but, maybe something I hit upon with you will help. I tried everything natural for IBS-C (IBS constipation) and nothing worked. Fodmap diet, eating clean (actually made it worse!), gluten free (no change), can't do much natural fiber such as Psyllium & flaxseed, drinking more water, moving more, Kefir, very good probiotics, prune juice, Miralax (trial & error with dosage) etc., Iceberg lettuce is one of my worst culbrits and the preservatives added to salad bars cause severe cramping. Only occasionally do I need to take Milk of Magnesia. I went on Linzess 72 mcg for IBS-C several years and it is the best thing I ever did! I take Bentyl for IBS for colon spasms...works wonders. I realize this is not what you have been diagnosed with, but, just some thoughts. I empathize. It's miserable. Go figure, but sometimes eating occasional junk from a fastfood restaurant helps! I truly wonder if there is a genetic connection as my mom & sister have IBS-C as well. I'm hopeful you will get better and find what works for you. Bless you!