Neuropathy moving from feet to legs

Posted by tessie63 @tessie63, May 15, 2023

I have neuropathy in my hands and feet from three sessions of chemo I had about three years ago now. I have a lot of pins and needles in both my hands and feet but no pain which is a blessing I guess. These pins and needles are none the less annoying. I drop a lot of things and am unable to open things without help. I live by myself and have had to formulate my own ways to do so many different things. I am now experiencing these pins and needles climbing up my legs and that worries me. Has anyone else experienced this? If so have they stopped there or is it possible for them to go else where in my body?

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I have had motor neuropathy for several years now in my feet, legs, hands and arms. It began with numb feet, but has spread and I now feel that it is moving into my thighs. However, at 83, I am lucky to still be here, so I try to deal with it as best I can. I have not really found any drugs that help with the burning and pain, but Vic's Vapour rub or similar, is amazingly helpful at night when these horrid feelings make it difficult to sleep. Apparently this is quite widely known with fellow sufferers, but not by Drs so they never suggest this remedy. The greatest fear is of falling, and one can't always avoid this, uneven surfaces are a nightmare and you do tend to walk looking at the floor for hazards!!! I wish you luck with it all. Distraction, if possible, is the only answer as there is no cure apparently, so when things get me down, I hop onto my mobility scooter, hitch up our dog , and off we go. We are fortunate enough to live in a beautiful area, and I go and lose myself in nature. Best wishes to you, and hope this helps.


Has anyone tried orthotics or braces for neuropathy in calfs or legs.


Just my curiosity but wondering about the dosage of gabapentin you all take? My husband takes three in the morning and there at night for pain from transverse myolitis which causes neuropathy from feet to mid chest and hands.


Has anyone been given prednisone for the nerve pain? I read somewhere that it has been used but most comments relate to gabapentin. I am taking the gaba three times a day, plus ibuprophen. This seems to help maintain functionality so that I can continue a limited activity daily routine. However the efficacy of these meds is not as good as it was and so wondering about prednisone as an alternative.


Is anyone familiar with the HFX Nevro spinal cord stimulator??
I just went through the trial period with the Boston Scientific one. It actually made my legs “tingle” worse than not having the stimulator!! Got a friend who is having the HFX trial starting in a couple of weeks. Am certainly willing to go through another trial if I could find anything to help!!


Has anyone tried orthotics or braces for neuropathy in calfs or legs.

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The neuropathy destroyed my feet. I am unable to walk without AFOs. These are ankle foot braces that go up the calf of my leg. I wear the Billy shoes with them. They are the best for me because the zipper goes around the shoe so you are able to place your foot into it easily and then zip them up. They have their own web site and you can find them on Amazon as well. They really are an amazing shoe and the AFO fits in them so well. Hope this helps you. All the best. Hugs


I have had motor neuropathy for several years now in my feet, legs, hands and arms. It began with numb feet, but has spread and I now feel that it is moving into my thighs. However, at 83, I am lucky to still be here, so I try to deal with it as best I can. I have not really found any drugs that help with the burning and pain, but Vic's Vapour rub or similar, is amazingly helpful at night when these horrid feelings make it difficult to sleep. Apparently this is quite widely known with fellow sufferers, but not by Drs so they never suggest this remedy. The greatest fear is of falling, and one can't always avoid this, uneven surfaces are a nightmare and you do tend to walk looking at the floor for hazards!!! I wish you luck with it all. Distraction, if possible, is the only answer as there is no cure apparently, so when things get me down, I hop onto my mobility scooter, hitch up our dog , and off we go. We are fortunate enough to live in a beautiful area, and I go and lose myself in nature. Best wishes to you, and hope this helps.

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You are so right! Pain pills do nothing for the numbness and burning. I have been weaning myself off the pain pills during the day. At night, however I still use them because I am afraid the pain will come back in my legs. That was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Child birth was easier! I have a scooter too and I do the same. I have a Superstore about a block away so I go shopping with it. It gets me out in the fresh air and I feel alive again. All the best to you. Hugs


@rca - You asked about orthotics. I do wear orthotics due to sensory and motor neuropathy. The ones I have fit into the shoe, a bar comes around back of leg and a strap goes around the calf made by Ottobock. I also have drop foot, these eliminate the "slap" noise of drop foot and provide me better balance. Without these, I walk around like I have flippers on ready for snorkeling.


Has anyone been given prednisone for the nerve pain? I read somewhere that it has been used but most comments relate to gabapentin. I am taking the gaba three times a day, plus ibuprophen. This seems to help maintain functionality so that I can continue a limited activity daily routine. However the efficacy of these meds is not as good as it was and so wondering about prednisone as an alternative.

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@louise1942 -- about 2 months ago, went to my primary doc and was given a prescription for prednisone over a 10-day period, start with 3 pills, down to 2 down to 1. I had not taken pred for about 12 years. This was not prescribed for any pain related issue. As a side effect, I noticed way less pain in general all over. I am not on Gaba just over the counter pain meds. During the 10 days, I reduced my pain meds substantially. I know this med reduces inflammation but for me, it really reduced pain. Not sure how long this can be taken in a safe manner. So, for some, I guess it does work.


I have had motor neuropathy for several years now in my feet, legs, hands and arms. It began with numb feet, but has spread and I now feel that it is moving into my thighs. However, at 83, I am lucky to still be here, so I try to deal with it as best I can. I have not really found any drugs that help with the burning and pain, but Vic's Vapour rub or similar, is amazingly helpful at night when these horrid feelings make it difficult to sleep. Apparently this is quite widely known with fellow sufferers, but not by Drs so they never suggest this remedy. The greatest fear is of falling, and one can't always avoid this, uneven surfaces are a nightmare and you do tend to walk looking at the floor for hazards!!! I wish you luck with it all. Distraction, if possible, is the only answer as there is no cure apparently, so when things get me down, I hop onto my mobility scooter, hitch up our dog , and off we go. We are fortunate enough to live in a beautiful area, and I go and lose myself in nature. Best wishes to you, and hope this helps.

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Glad you have been able to adjust and avoid falls. It would be helpful if you could do some exercise to mimic walking just by standing between 2 chairs while holding on but lifting your feet like walking for several minutes couple times a day. This would help circulation and may delay continued progression. I find lower body movement of muscles is very helpful but continue to be super careful. Best wishes.

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