Radiation - side effects? Effectiveness?

Posted by k13 @k13, Jun 9, 2023

Hi. The two types of chemo they gave my husband have not worked to shrink tumors. Now they say we will discuss radiation. My husband getting endoscopy today right now because his bile ducts are blocked. He had stent placed in Jan but drs think maybe it has moved or deteriorated. I’m fearful of radiation because it seems like it is risky for damage to other organs , side effects etc. does anyone have experience with radiation results? Also We are using Dana Farber for treatment, but I also understand Msk has specialty in the radiation area as well. I will do some more reading, but, as always,Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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No need to be scared! The radiation was so easy. The surgery went really well. The recovery is a journey but it gets better and better every week. There are ups and downs as you learn what you can eat and can’t eat. I went to the Breeders Cup for two days three weeks after surgery. I brought lots of Imodium AD and didn’t eat a lot and wore my always depends things under my cute dress just in case lol. It went really well. In fact had to walk almost a mile to get to our car and led the way. You will be fine! Think positive!


I start radiation on Monday. Surgery is scheduled for August 29th. I’m scared.

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I am scheduled for June 21st. Scared also. Much to do though to make sure that I am ready to be away from home for a bit. Trying to make a list and stick to it.


I am scheduled for June 21st. Scared also. Much to do though to make sure that I am ready to be away from home for a bit. Trying to make a list and stick to it.

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On the 21st which surgery will you have? A whipple or pancreadectomy?
I have this on my calendar to be praying for you but I don’t remember the procedure. You are in good hands at MSK (as you know) and they will not send you home until your values are good.
I hope you will comment by Thursday to keep us all in the loop. You are cared for!


Thanks so much. Scheduled for Whipples June 21st at MSKCC. Little scared but reassured by knowing that the care at MSKCC is excellent. I had a stent done there and was in the hospital two nights. I will post as soon as I am able.

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