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I am a concerned parent of my son B-rad. He looks healthy except when he balloons out with swelling and hives. He had just started a new job and was put on medical leave due to the swelling and hives.

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I had huge outbreaks/inflammation/swelling of lips, ears, eyes, mouth area and all different parts of my body. I went to ER 2x bc inside throat swelled slowly. I was finally dx by a 2nd biopsy I had pink (not always pink) flat, smooth but swollen areas. 1st biopsy w/ 1 dermatologist (maybe not taken correctly or tested correctly) didn't show anything. 2nd biopsy taken by a Stanford derm, was identified as urticarial vasculitis. I had previously gone to many dermatologists, allergist/immunologists/, but they all missed the mark. Then I went to rheumatologists who wanted to give me so many drugs. I stick with one derm at Stanford who has guided me ever since I suppose I am very fortunate and that Xolair has worked for me.