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@ romulun1
Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.
Would you mind sharing more information about your seizure disorder?
Take care,

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Replies to "@ romulun1 Hi, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Would you mind sharing more information about your..."

Started 30 years ago I was 39 has a 8yo, 10yo & 13 yo had a fever and then after 2 day I developed seizures had more in the ER and more while hospitalized. Then I went home did not have any more for a few weeks but got sick again - no fever but had seizures this time my daughter called 911 & they told her she shouldn't 911 call 911 because it was for emergencies = she is so tiny even no at 39 her voice was like a whisper so her brother had to call - they were so scared after that we had an in-law stay with us. I have had several more episodes of grand mal seizures like that but not many most after that have been the petite mal, so after that first ones I had my license taken away after them for 6mos. but I'd get it back. Looking back is that nobody knew I was having generalized seizures until 7 years after the grand mal and a highway patrol officer looked at the fact I had gone through two stop signs and now in less than a week later had not put my brakes on hard enough when the traffic slowed to stop. He took my license away I would have had to go to court but I never did I called the highway patrol and ask them to thank the officer for taking away my license - nearly 7 years driving my kids all teenagers gosh and I never killed anyone on the road! So that's just a very short synopsis of what went on during the 30 years There are more medical, work, family all both a combination of social and professional. Ask any opinion or question that can be thought of I am glad to oblige 🙂 I am light hearte because if you aren't, your next step is always always really hard.