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I've had an Abbott St Jude spinal cord stimulator since 2021. It was implanted at the advice of the orthopedist to address pain /neuropathy due to arachnoiditis.
Sad to say, it has not provided any relief. I informed the Abbott techs of my problems with it, and after a few adjustments they basically gave up on me. They told me to make strength adjustments periodically, which I have tried, but turning up the strength causes noticeable tingling in my legs ( which you're not supposed to have).
In short, I'm very disappointed with this device. I have no pain or neuropathy relief and added to that I can't receive an MRI.
My advice is to thoroughly research the efficacy of the stimulator before moving forward. In hindsight, I wish I had never proceeded with the implant.

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Replies to "I've had an Abbott St Jude spinal cord stimulator since 2021. It was implanted at the..."

I guess my first question to you is, did this device provide you with any pain relief during the initial trial?
It sounds like it did and that is why you proceeded with the permanent implant, correct?
The SCS has been recommended to me due to my Lumbar spinal stenosis pain which has not responded to any other form of treatment or therapy. I don't know if a patient has the opportunity to choose which brand of SCS they can have, I will have to ask about that, but if do not get any pain relief during the trial period, I will not move forward to have permanent implant.

Did you have to do a trial? If so, how did that go? I'm getting an Abbott WaveWriter which is MRI compatible.