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Surgeon asked me if I wanted one before emergency surgery. I said a resounding no. Can't live life like that. It might have been temporary but did not want to be opened up again to restore normal function in hospital for how long? My stint in hospital was painful, difficult and long enough. There was an old man in hospital when I was there. He had a bag and refused to learn how to use it which extended his stay there and thus he couldn't go home. He insisted the nurses change it. I really can't blame him, I left before he did so can't update. His wife was a long-suffering angel of positivity dedicated by love to be by his side whatever he decided. A rare person who talked to all of us in the ward using her magic to cheer us up. All I can suggest is research research research and research again finding 100 - 1000s of people who have a bag and their lives now. The surgeons don't care what you decide. It's a job for them after all. Research natural remedies, change of diet - anything.

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Replies to "Surgeon asked me if I wanted one before emergency surgery. I said a resounding no. Can't..."

I had Rectal Cancer in 2019 and underwent Chemo then Radiation, then finally in 2020 had surgery to remover aprox. 11" of my rectum. They installed an Ileostomy bag I had to use for 3 months while the rectum surgery healed. They then reversed the Ileostomy and now the plumbing is all working again. Although...not as it used to in the past. I do have times of normal BMs and then I'll have no BM for 2 days or so and then the next day, my bowels empty out. First very formed stool, and several times of BMs and then diarrhea. So I have to stay close to the toilet for that day. Having an Ileostomy bag wasn't too bad and the reversal went like a dream but I am not against having the bag for a while. All in all, I'm glad I had the surgery. Now the Cancer is gone and having good blood tests saying no cancer has returned.

Thanks for your advise. My sigmoid is gone and that's the chamber for stool to form and sit before it goes to the rectum. I suffer everyday with pressure in that area. Fiber makes it worse so I eat more fruit. Some nights can't sleep and afraid to eat. Doing everything, exercise, massage, acupuncture. Everyone says it take time but it's been three months and no improvements. I go for another cat-scan next week. Just don't know how loncg I can sustain this. If anyone out there has any other suggestions I would so much appreciate it. Bless you all on your recovery.