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I'm so tired of this Anxiety & OCD

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Jun 12, 2023 | Replies (5)

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It's funny when there's a FULL MOON my OCD is worse it can get triggered very strange and I LOVE full moons but then hate them too 😵‍💫

I agree with the different sides we have of ourselves but how do we overcome the roadblocks and you said Mum if your from England I've done a lot of research on OCD and in England they have a very high percent of people with OCD very strange an interesting fact I wonder if it's a vitamin D3 deficiency or something this is my speculation there's something to it though that's for sure..🤔

One thing for sure when someone says they're OCD or I'm a little OCD people need to STOP saying that they have no idea what OCD is if they're truly not OCD because if you are OCD you would be devastated it takes your LIFE away mentally and physically it's NOT about oh I like my clothes to be color coordinated it's so much more than that it's not I like all my spices in my cabinet to be in alphabetical order and that's it, it's so much more than that it can be physical like me where I'm cutting my hair for hours and hours not taking care of myself checking and rechecking and then there's ruminating thoughts which for some people they don't have to do something physical they can just be thinking about something and thinking that thought over and over and over again which is called ruminating thoughts and that's a form of OCD I also think that anorexia and bulimia are also a forms of OCD / Body Dysmorphia and with the WORLD today and filters and ALL these things that you see online making you feel like you need to look a certain way it doesn't help the younger generation that's for SURE and as time goes on we're gonna have a WORLD full of OCD / Body Dysmorphia and whatever else you wanna add to that this is very sad and scary 😔

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Replies to "It's funny when there's a FULL MOON my OCD is worse it can get triggered very..."

I have ruminating thoughts. I had them when I was starting my teens, and I told nobody, but I used to write in a notebook trying to figure out what was wrong with me, when ironically those thoughts I was scribbling WERE what was wrong with me!

I think some people noticed I had troubles. Like the stiff upper lip school teacher who once said "it's funny, if nobody gives you a task, you do nothing!" To this day I love that self-effacing teacher, who nobody ever really noticed much, because he noticed something in me my parents didn't. And said it 🥰

As somebody wrote here on Connect: life's a hoot!