Any testimonies where cancer didn't return?

Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, Jun 4, 2023

I am new to this support group ( few weeks), but from what I have read there seems to be a trend with cancer coming back ( with all different diagnosis and treatment types). As I am still in the process of deciding on treatment, I'm starting to wonder " why bother going through all the side effects and feel ugly in the process if she-devil is just going to return".

Is there anyone out there that can speak to their win of cancer not coming back. What was ur diagnosis and treatment plan.. how long has it been since u were diagnosed?

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@timely maybe you can research before the appointment not after! There aren't that many medications: bisphosphonates, Prolia, Forteo, Tymlos and Evenity.

If your bones aren't too bad and you want a more "holistic" approach, check out Keith McCormick's books. You can also do a consult with him.

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Hi windyshores:

My spine is -1.7 and my hips are -2.7 and -2.9.

Thank you for your reply.
Will check out McCormick too.


I am 70 and I had triple negative ILC in my L breast and estrogen positive IDC in my R breast diagnosed in late 2022. I had a bilateral mastectomy in March 2023. I also have osteoporosis and had spinal compression fractures about the time I was diagnosed with the bc which are painful. I wish I had gone on osteoporosis meds earlier so I could have avoided those!
Had my bc treatment at Mayo. The oncologist started me on Zometa infusions for the osteoporosis because not only does that med help with osteoporosis, but women who have had breast cancer and were on Zometa for osteoporosis have a higher 10 year survival rate than those who were not on Zometa. So it helps us 2 ways! I will have infusions every 6 months for 3 years. I am on Tamoxifen since that can help bones for the estrogen positive ILC. Praying for the best possible outcome for all of us on this journey.

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I can't take tamoxifen as I have arrythmias and tamoxifen side effect is blood clots.
Am on Leterzole.


I can't take tamoxifen as I have arrythmias and tamoxifen side effect is blood clots.
Am on Leterzole.

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Letrozole sounds like the right one for you. Wishing you the best.


I am 70 and I had triple negative ILC in my L breast and estrogen positive IDC in my R breast diagnosed in late 2022. I had a bilateral mastectomy in March 2023. I also have osteoporosis and had spinal compression fractures about the time I was diagnosed with the bc which are painful. I wish I had gone on osteoporosis meds earlier so I could have avoided those!
Had my bc treatment at Mayo. The oncologist started me on Zometa infusions for the osteoporosis because not only does that med help with osteoporosis, but women who have had breast cancer and were on Zometa for osteoporosis have a higher 10 year survival rate than those who were not on Zometa. So it helps us 2 ways! I will have infusions every 6 months for 3 years. I am on Tamoxifen since that can help bones for the estrogen positive ILC. Praying for the best possible outcome for all of us on this journey.

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Just read your post and thought I might write you. I have had breast cancer at 36, and a Fibrosarcoma in 1988 in my right thigh, and a squamouse Cell carcinoma on the skin above my collar bone. The squamouse was about 3 years ago. I did have a radical mastectomy and a simple mastectomy 2 years later (not cancerous)

The main reason I decided to write you is in regard to your osteoporsis. I started medication when I wa 59 and I think I have been on every type of new Med for this problem including the nasal spray which caused me to have sinus problems. I have not had any injectables. I have had knee, hip, and shoulder replacements with no complications, but recently I did have a compression fracture of the 6th thoracic spine. Recently, I was diagnosed with MCus and the Hematologist suggested that I stop the osteoporosis med. I am now 92

My husband was on Zometa for bone cancer, and it was fantastic. He did not have another bone cancer following the infusions of Zometa. Hope you have the same results


I am 70 and I had triple negative ILC in my L breast and estrogen positive IDC in my R breast diagnosed in late 2022. I had a bilateral mastectomy in March 2023. I also have osteoporosis and had spinal compression fractures about the time I was diagnosed with the bc which are painful. I wish I had gone on osteoporosis meds earlier so I could have avoided those!
Had my bc treatment at Mayo. The oncologist started me on Zometa infusions for the osteoporosis because not only does that med help with osteoporosis, but women who have had breast cancer and were on Zometa for osteoporosis have a higher 10 year survival rate than those who were not on Zometa. So it helps us 2 ways! I will have infusions every 6 months for 3 years. I am on Tamoxifen since that can help bones for the estrogen positive ILC. Praying for the best possible outcome for all of us on this journey.

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Best wishes on your journey. Can you provide a link to the study that shows breast cancer patients have a higher 10 year survival rate? I have not seen this statistic in any of my research. Thank you.


Hi windyshores:

I have osteoporosis of both hips and have has to wait 2 months to get a appointment from my gynecologist referral to a nurse practitioner who works with those with osteoporosis at a bone and joint center. Gynecologist gave me referral as soon as she got my osteoporosis scores.
This NP got her degree in 2019.

I have reached the skeptic point in my BC journey.
No matter what she (NP) suggests, I am not going to jump for it and will say that I need to think about and research it and will get back to her in a few days.

I have had so many errors in my care from all fields as the medical fields are no longer focused in what they are doing or research patient’s history and needs.

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I changed three hospitals to finally had my breast cancer surgery done. Radiation technicians, breast cancer surgeons… all failed doing their jobs and made my cancer so progressed before they finally know it’s cancer… things I can easily found from internet they don’t know … I have ZERO trust and confidence in our healthcare providers.


Just read your post and thought I might write you. I have had breast cancer at 36, and a Fibrosarcoma in 1988 in my right thigh, and a squamouse Cell carcinoma on the skin above my collar bone. The squamouse was about 3 years ago. I did have a radical mastectomy and a simple mastectomy 2 years later (not cancerous)

The main reason I decided to write you is in regard to your osteoporsis. I started medication when I wa 59 and I think I have been on every type of new Med for this problem including the nasal spray which caused me to have sinus problems. I have not had any injectables. I have had knee, hip, and shoulder replacements with no complications, but recently I did have a compression fracture of the 6th thoracic spine. Recently, I was diagnosed with MCus and the Hematologist suggested that I stop the osteoporosis med. I am now 92

My husband was on Zometa for bone cancer, and it was fantastic. He did not have another bone cancer following the infusions of Zometa. Hope you have the same results

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Thank you for your reply. That is so good to hear of your husbands good results on Zometa! I am praying that it will be of great help to me too! You are a great example for all of us on the journey! In your 90s and doing your very best to stay well and enjoy life. I hope the Mcus is treatable and you are doing well. I am getting PT for my compression fractures, T6 and T7 and it is helping! Hope your Doc has set you up for PT.
It's so good to hear from a woman on our journey who has reached her 90s! That's my goal!


Best wishes on your journey. Can you provide a link to the study that shows breast cancer patients have a higher 10 year survival rate? I have not seen this statistic in any of my research. Thank you.

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Sorry I don't have a link for you. My oncologist at Mayo Rochester, Dr. Giridhar, gave me that information. When I received the first dose it was referred to as "chemo care" and I received the infusion in the oncology department where all of the patients were receiving chemo infusions. I do know that Zometa is given to bone cancer patients as treatment. Gina5009 also mentions that her husband had good results after receiving it for bone cancer. If I can find an article I will sure post it.


I changed three hospitals to finally had my breast cancer surgery done. Radiation technicians, breast cancer surgeons… all failed doing their jobs and made my cancer so progressed before they finally know it’s cancer… things I can easily found from internet they don’t know … I have ZERO trust and confidence in our healthcare providers.

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I totally hear you. I have to be up on all medical procedures and advocate for myself.

Last incorrect procedure is that neither eye doctor or tech did glaucoma test on me. I need special drops and they use a hand held device. Eye dr. can do glaucoma test by the machine too. Had to go to another site of theirs next day as I realized they did not do it. Original office, when contacted, said that my eyes were ok and did not need it done. This must be done.

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