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@user_ch98d0b5c . Good evening Ann. “Trauma” is the cause of my SFN (small fiber neuropathy). The trauma has been the result of numerous accidents, injuries, and surgeries. I use only medical cannabis for pain and discomfort. My mornings begin with a 1:1 CBD/THC tincture and my evenings end with a 2:1 CBD/THC tincture at bedtime. I have been using some form of medical cannabis for about 10 years. Adjustments have been made as my SFN has progressed or the barometric pressure inches its way down below 30.00.

I also use daily mindfulness and meditation. Then there must always be stretch yoga along with stability and balance exercises as prescribed by my physical therapist at Mayo Clinic. Twice a week I go for a Myofascial Release therapy session to relieve the restriction in the fascia tissue around my body.

I do take duloxetine for anxiety and depression plus 600 mg of gabapentin at bedtime for the tingle-tangles in my hands. I am trying a new anxiety medication in addition to the duloxetine, Bisphosorine, and it is working well to keep me from getting into the sequence of anxiety which produces pain, and then pain produces more anxiety. I abhor getting into that merry-go-round of symptoms because it is difficult to catch up with some form of relief.

Is this what you wanted to know? You must remember that with a progressive condition like neuropathy, you need to frequently make adjustments to the treatment program you have chosen.

What are you in need of right now?
May you be safe, protected, and free of inner and outer harm.


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Replies to "@user_ch98d0b5c . Good evening Ann. “Trauma” is the cause of my SFN (small fiber neuropathy). The..."

Did I misunderstand you, as the medication Bisphosorine is for osteoporosis, and anxiety is a side effect. It’s not used to treat anxiety.