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I am so glad to find this website with real problems, by real people. My story concerns my husband. He had surgery for a carcinoma on top of his head with 17 radiation treatments. Following the treatments he completely lost his appetite for food. He had every kind of test, in hospital and out. Was prescribed all kinds of medicine, even Marinol (marijuana without the THC). Nothing has helped. The doctors have basically said we have done everything, and don't have a solution for him. He is slowly wasting away. He weighs 89 pounds now. I didn't know that a person could live at that weight.
Is there anyone out there that has experienced not having an appetite after radiation treatment?

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Replies to "I am so glad to find this website with real problems, by real people. My story..."

How long ago were his radiation treatments? The reason for this question is that in some patients radiation sickness occurs, which will kill the appetite and alter the taste. This is usually temporary for only a few weeks.
If longer then something else may be going on, unknown to me at least. Talk to his oncologist and perhaps a good reminder which I have used is to mention that we don’t want to get the answers in an autopsy, rather we have it prior.

Appetite loss can be a problem for patients after radiation.but should improve. Does he not have a life saving feeding tube? He can get enough calories through the tube to either gain weight or sustain his current weight which to me is not normal. I can see of no reason you mentioned why he wouldn't have one.

Hi Suzan, wow, that is a very low weight, I can understand your anxiety at your husband's weight loss. As others have said weight is one factor that has to be kept in mind after radiation treatment. I myself experienced it first hand after 35 treatments along with Chemotherapy.

I can't understand why he doesn't have a feed tube inserted into his stomach. My "PEG" was my lifeline and remained in my stomach during and after the treatment until such time I was able to resume a sort of natural diet. How long has this been going on? I will assume he had some form of Melanoma, it being on the top of his head. The treatment is fairly radical so must have been in some form of advanced stage. Has your radiation oncologist spoken to you about his ongoing problem, if not he should be consulted immediately and get to talk about his severe weight loss? I was weighed weekly and spoke to a nutritionist each visit, both during and after my treatments.

Until then some form of supplement is needed to try and restore his chemical balance. Vitamins and Minerals are a prerequisite for his ongoing health and recovery as well as calories to start and get his weight back up. I was on eight bottles @ 300mm per day of Ensure, one proprietary brand. That was via a pumped infusion directly into my stomach. Since that time my breakfast over the past three years has been one bottle per day mixed with milk and "Milo" and made up to nearly 1 litre. In other words, a chocolate Milkshake full of goodness. Add anything like Ice Cream or other to make it as palatable as possible for him, no matter what, he needs a good feed. My appetite didn't really return for nearly six months albeit an odd one, but no matter I started to put some meat on my bones.

Hopefully this has been some help and good luck in the fight.

My husband was seen at Mayo Clinic for his loss of appetite and severe weight loss and they put him on Mirtazipine. He had tried numerous other medications prior to our Mayo visit, none of them worked, including Marinol. Remeron is another name for it. Very effective appetite stimulant.