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I am 45 and have non-diabetic neropathy. In my youth I was a gymnast for 10 years, and a soccer player for 10 years. At 36 I had to have 3 plates and 7 screws in my left foot to repair old injuries. I also have a total knee replacement in my right knee. Although I was fully vaccinated, I got COVID 3 times. After the last bout of it, I started getting burning, tingling, stabbing, and weird numbness (numb, but not numb) feeling. I have loss of feeling going up to my knees in both legs. I also have lower back and leg pain.
I'm adopted so it's hard to determine if it's hereditary or not. I've heard that my bio father is diabetic, but I've been tested and that is not the case. I am in no way saying COVID is to blame, but it's weird that the symptoms of neropathy inconveniently showed up just after I had it. I work out 4-5 days a week and it is painful after every workout, but I'm in pain every day whether I work out or not. So I choose to try and stay healthy.
I have been an active person my whole life and it is heartbreaking to feel this helpless to fix the debilitating daily pain. I will not do opiates, as they are only a band-aid and are more harmful to my health.
I started to see a neurologist and have tried everything drug companies offer. Lyrica, gabapentin, topicals, compounded pharmacy remedies, etc. I am a great candidate for a spinal chord stimulator, and I'm in the process of getting approved. I have done the psychological evaluation, I'm getting my MRI's (thoracic and lumbar), and have spoken to reps from Abbot and Nevro. I've decided that I'd like to try the Nevro. It is ultra high frequency and has the best results for pain relief that I've read about. I've also read that people don't feel the buzzing (MORE pins and needles feelings) that the lower frequency Abbot causes (paresthesia). I'm going this route because I want my quality of life back without the side effects of drugs that will also take away from my daily activities.
Has anyone else considered this option or has had this implant? I'm curious about your results. Or any other advice for that matter.

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Replies to "I am 45 and have non-diabetic neropathy. In my youth I was a gymnast for 10..."

Hi @rayjay, Welcome to Connect. I have idiopathic small fiber PN but had it years before getting COVID after being vaccinated. I shared my story in another discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/310341/. Since you mentioned you are considering a spinal cord stimulator I thought you might want to see these related discussions.

– Comparison of Spinal Cord Stimulators from Boston Sci., Nevro: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/comparison-of-spinal-cord-stimulators-from-boston-sci-nevro/
– Update on my DRG stimulator Implant. Implanted 12 days ago. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/update-on-my-drg-stimulator-implant-implanted-12-days-ago/
– SPR Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (SPRINT) https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/spr-peripheral-nerve-stimulator-sprint/

You might find this helpful if your PN developed only after the Covid vaccination. The trauma to your foot would typically be suspect for nerve damage, yet you apparently had no symptoms until the Covid events.

See this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9128783/
Hope this helps.

I did have slight neuropathy in my feet and was noticing a balance issue; but, it was when I actually got COVID that I got the screaming pain so there has to be some connection. I just had the Boston Scientific trial implant. So far have not experienced any relief by the 3rd day-still working on different programs. I, too, had an extremely active life and had hoped for many more years of the same. All we can do is try everything!!

Please share your experience with the Nevro. I was supposed to go for a consultation for the trial, but I cancelled, basically out of fear. I got talked into vein ablation because my feet were turning bright purple/red & I thought it was caused by a circulation problem. It aggrevated my neuropathy & I regret doing it. My PCP concured with the vascular doctors assessment. Btw, the red skin is now much worse & spreading to my ankles. Anyway, I am now extremely cautious about any procedure that has the possibility of making things worse, even if it's only for the one week trial period. It would be so helpful to hear your thoughts on the Nevro. Thank you.

I had the Nevro implant about 1 1/2 years ago. I get some relief from it but I get overstimulated which they told me happens to around 10% of their patients. The trial went well but it has been a challenge since the implant. I was hoping to reduce my medication of Gabapentin but that has not been the case.