Neuroendocrine tumor in small bowel with lymph nodes involved
Hello there,
Anyone with small bowel carcinoma with lymph nodes involved? I was diagnosed with NETs of small bowel carcinoma stage 3, grade 1 on September. I did small bowel resection to remove the tumor which was 2.1 cm. But there are 10 lymph nodes involved. I recovered from the surgery now i am worried because, what if i have cancer cells remained. The doctor said am not qualified for chemo right now, all they need is to monitor every few months. And i have this slight one side headache since after my surgery, and litttle stomach pain on my right side. Do cancer come back that quickly? What is your thoughts about this?
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I had surgery to remove sm bowel tumor which involved 6 lymph nodes had pet scan show activity in left lung 7mm nodule so what would be next
Welcome, @sandip. I moved your message to this existing discussion:
- Neuroendocrine tumor in small bowel with lymph nodes involved
I did this so you can read previous messages and connect easily with fellow small bowel NETs members like @queensmom @phyllisden @hopeful33250 @taneall @mbg20 @patrick031621 @kellysg @emmepoppins @dbamos1945 and more.
I'm sorry to hear that surgery revealed that 6 lymph nodes also showed cancerous. Was it determined that the nodule in the left lung is NETs or unrelated? What treatment options were suggested for you?
Well differentiated cancer cells dont come back that quickly, relax and watch what you eat, exercise and take good rest and never stress yourself!
Hello @sandip,
I would like to add my welcome to you. You will undoubtedly find support and encouragement here in the NETs Support Group. How long ago was your surgery? I hope you are doing well and able to eat without too much discomfort.
Is there any follow up treatment planned for you?
Surgery done may 3rd gor tumor on sm intestine surgery being schedule for lung tumor then checkup every 6 months doing good
Yes surgery soon for lung then checkups every 6 months showed bright on pet scan Thank you