Looking for exercise suggestions prior to robotic prostatectomy.

Posted by southgeorgia @southgeorgia, Mar 21, 2023

I hope I'm not re-asking a common question... I recently got my prostate biopsy results back and had a Gleason score of 6 (3/3). I am considering a robotic prostatectomy (61 - 62 in June - and in good health otherwise). I have a consult with Mayo (Jacksonville, FL) in a couple of weeks. I have read about the kegel exercises and have started trying to do those regularly. Are there other helpful exercise suggestions you may have in the hopes of reducing post-surgery incontinence and/or other issues? Thank you in advance!

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Prior to surgery, work on your abdominal muscles. You want to have a strong core.


I actually have my first consult with Mayo in about a week. This was not my only option, but what I am leaning toward - remove the source… I’m 61, in good health otherwise, and feel like my recovery from surgery would be better now than later.

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@southgeorgia, I hope your consult went well. What exercises have you chosen to do as you prepare for surgery? What activities do you like to do?


@southgeorgia, I hope your consult went well. What exercises have you chosen to do as you prepare for surgery? What activities do you like to do?

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Hi, Colleen. My consult is actually this Friday. I have been doing kegels and some abdominal exercises, walking more regularly, and a little basic strength training. I’ve also been more conscious about my diet. I enjoy walking, hiking through the woods, and I used to swim a lot, but that’s been a while. Thanks for checking!!


Update - after the remote visit with my doctor, based on my Gleason score and PSA, he recommended active surveillance for the time being. I am going in for an MRI in July along with some blood work and a couple of other tests. He seemed to think I was very low-risk at this time.


Prior to my RALP in Aug 2023, I went to a Baylor, Scott & White facility in Austin Tx where there was a person educated and trained in “all things Kegel.” The exercises she taught me were to strengthen my pelvic floor and my core. I purchased a “Whataband” set from Amazon to continue some of the exercises at home; and I still use these. Other exercises learned did not require any bands. I did these exercises for several weeks prior to the RALP, and, the week after the catheter was removed, I went back for more PT.

I had ZERO continence issues, while I did wear the diapers while the catheter was in, there were no leaks, drips or spotting. I skipped the Guards and used the shields for a few weeks until I was convinced they were not needed.

Now, I am still fully continent and have has zero issues, except for two bladder spasms while still catheterized.


Update - after the remote visit with my doctor, based on my Gleason score and PSA, he recommended active surveillance for the time being. I am going in for an MRI in July along with some blood work and a couple of other tests. He seemed to think I was very low-risk at this time.

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Congrats on Active Surveillance - hoping for same - you might also ask for Free PSA test and if it returns less than 15% then ask for Oncotype DX test to predict aggressiveness. PS-buy Dr Patrick Walsh's book on Surviving Prostate Cancer - good luck...


@maxvt Might bladder spasms be connected to overly tense pelvic floor? The PT I saw made it a point to test the strength of the PV muscles and modified recommendations based on that. I also enjoyed the sort of continental success you did, for which I'm grateful.


@maxvt Might bladder spasms be connected to overly tense pelvic floor? The PT I saw made it a point to test the strength of the PV muscles and modified recommendations based on that. I also enjoyed the sort of continental success you did, for which I'm grateful.

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The only two bladder spasms I experienced were both in one afternoon five days after the surgery. An on-call nurse I contacted stated the occurrence of these was completely normal and that nothing special needed to be done; the spasms are common after prostate surgery.

I am happy for your success!


They stopped my robotic 2018 as the cancer was too far in Apex and would have made me incontinent so 2 mos later did 40 radiation 5 years ago Now it back in L2 lumbar On Zolodex Xtandi and Xgeva 2023 at 78


Yoga. Look up Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She has over 300 free videos. Many of them are localized, or should I say specific. She has three for the Pelvic floor. Several for building up a strong core.

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