Any testimonies where cancer didn't return?

Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, Jun 4, 2023

I am new to this support group ( few weeks), but from what I have read there seems to be a trend with cancer coming back ( with all different diagnosis and treatment types). As I am still in the process of deciding on treatment, I'm starting to wonder " why bother going through all the side effects and feel ugly in the process if she-devil is just going to return".

Is there anyone out there that can speak to their win of cancer not coming back. What was ur diagnosis and treatment plan.. how long has it been since u were diagnosed?

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People are going to post if their cancer came back. Most will not be on the forum or posting if their cancer did not come back. It does give a skewed perspective though of course all posters are helpful.

I was diagnosed 8 1/2 years ago. Grade 2 or 3 (depending on the lab), lymphovascular invasion, highish ki67%, but low Oncotype probably because my ER was 95% and PR 80%. I had two mastectomies and did an aromatase inhibitor. No chemo, no radiation.

The aromatase inhibitors cut risk approximately by half. I never even considered not taking them. Side effects weren't bad but you have to watch your bone density.


Did u have option of AI or Tamoxifen?
I was told to decide between these 2.. ie which side effects " were better" for me. That's a hard decision.


At 65 I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, had chemo, a double mastectomy, radiation, then anastrozole for 7 years. I am still cancer free. God has given me a second chance!


I had a lumpectomy and 4 weeks of radiation 3 1/2 years ago for low grade adeno squamous metaplastic carcinoma that was 2cm. I chose not to take AI's due to my bone density. I had a rare tumor that I was told has a history of returning in the same place. Also, I had neural invasion where the cancer attached to a large nerve. To top it off I have a rare immune disease but here I am 3 1/2 years later and I am still cancer free. Maybe eventually the cancer will return but had I not had the surgery and radiation I would probably not be alive right now.
Maybe you could ask your doctor to give you the statistics for treated and untreated breast cancer. I have read that the 5- year survival rate for untreated breast cancer is around 19% and for treated breast cancer it is 90%. I would want you to confirm this with your doctor. (Not sure what procedures are included in the treated category.) Maybe if you had more statistics it would help you make your decision.

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I remember the shock that I went through when I found out that I had breast cancer.


Did u have option of AI or Tamoxifen?
I was told to decide between these 2.. ie which side effects " were better" for me. That's a hard decision.

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@rom828 are you post-menopausal? Most of us do aromatase inhibitors though concerns about bones make some docs think about Tamoxifen. I did an aromatase inhibitor in spite of pretty severe osteoporosis before ever starting. I just finished Tymlos and my bones are better than 8 years ago!


I hope I can give you some good news. I was 35 when I had my breast cancer. Had a Radical Mastectomy with 14 lymphs removed. Two years later I had the other breast removed. Getting too many non-cancerous lumps and having biopsies got to be too much. That was 57 years ago. I did have a new DERMATOFIBROSARCOMA, in 1988. Just took it out, no recurrence. I also recently had a squamous cell carcinoma removed, no recurrence, and now I am being followed for MCUS once every 6 months. No Chemo, No Radiation, No Tamoxifin, Etc. None of this was available at the time of my surgery. With regard to all the new treatments, I cannot give an opinion, since it was never offered to me. At the time of my surgery, not many women survived, I guess it just was not my time, but here I am. I forgot to tell you I am 92. God bless you.


@rom828 are you post-menopausal? Most of us do aromatase inhibitors though concerns about bones make some docs think about Tamoxifen. I did an aromatase inhibitor in spite of pretty severe osteoporosis before ever starting. I just finished Tymlos and my bones are better than 8 years ago!

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I am pre menopausal- 43. Curious, why did you chose AI vs Tamoxifen especially if your bone density was already compromised? Did something scare you about Tamoxifen?


I had a lumpectomy and 4 weeks of radiation 3 1/2 years ago for low grade adeno squamous metaplastic carcinoma that was 2cm. I chose not to take AI's due to my bone density. I had a rare tumor that I was told has a history of returning in the same place. Also, I had neural invasion where the cancer attached to a large nerve. To top it off I have a rare immune disease but here I am 3 1/2 years later and I am still cancer free. Maybe eventually the cancer will return but had I not had the surgery and radiation I would probably not be alive right now.
Maybe you could ask your doctor to give you the statistics for treated and untreated breast cancer. I have read that the 5- year survival rate for untreated breast cancer is around 19% and for treated breast cancer it is 90%. I would want you to confirm this with your doctor. (Not sure what procedures are included in the treated category.) Maybe if you had more statistics it would help you make your decision.

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I remember the shock that I went through when I found out that I had breast cancer.

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When are people able to feel/say they are cancer free? My Dr hasn't said that to me... I had double mastectomy 7 weeks ago, no radiation, oncotype test says I don't need chemo. But im in process of seeking second opinion on hormone therapy (what method to suppress ovaries and AI or Tamoxifen). Do I have to have hormone therapy for a certain period of time before I can believe I'm cancer free?


I am pre menopausal- 43. Curious, why did you chose AI vs Tamoxifen especially if your bone density was already compromised? Did something scare you about Tamoxifen?

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@rom828 I did not know you were premenopausal. Do your doctors recommend one or the other? The Oncotype score and risk of recurrence depend on taking Tamoxifen and I was told that an AI was slightly better, but for someone who is 43 I would rely on your docs, and get other opinions until you feel sure. I was not scared at all about Tamoxifen. At 63, I was prescribed an AI and usually people take Reclast with it for bones. I had a very individual problem in that my endocrinologist would not prescribe it due to a heart condition that has now been proven to not be a problem with Reclast. I caught up my bone density with Tymlos after letrozole finished. I thought most women your age would be taking tamoxifen. Is there a reason your docs recommended an AI? I am curious because my impression may have been mistaken.

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