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yes, I've been on pred for about 18 months. My PMR first manifested as hip/groin pain. About 6 months ago, the sternum pain showed up (with neck pain as well...) and hasn't gotten any better; if anything, much worse. Pred dosage is now at 2-3 mg/day and am trying to manage pain with OTC analgesics. Also acupuncture. Just wondering if anyone else out there has any other suggestions.

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Replies to "yes, I've been on pred for about 18 months. My PMR first manifested as hip/groin pain...."

Can you explain what original dose of Prednisone you started with or why your Dr., started you on 2-3mg, was that originally as well or a relapse? From what I've seen on Youtube from this rheumatologist in NJ., I gather patients start between 7.5-21mg or a bit higher if the inflammation-Pain doesn't decrease. Also, I assume if 21mg doesn't substantially reduce the Pain within less than a week the diagnosis is not likely PMR. Initially I went on Methyl-Prednisone dose as follows:
Day 1 I took 4mg 6 times for a total dose of 24mg
Day 2 I took 4mg 5 times for a total dose of 20mg
Day 3 I took 4 mg 4 times for a total dose of 16mg
Day 4 I took 4mg 3 times for a total dose of 12mg
Day 5 I took 4mg 2 times for a total dose of 8mg

Methyl-Prednisone is about 20% stronger than Prednisone.

Oddly, I had gone to the hospital on a Wednesday with extreme jaw pain from Urgent care who thought I had Trigeminal Neuralgia. At the emergency room they partially agreed and gave me intravenous Advil and 2 -4 mg doses of morphine then Carbamazepine. Pain wouldn't stop, morphine and all that did nothing. I was using water in my mouth every 2 minutes to stop the pain. That worked... I was to see an Endondonist that Friday for a possible root canal. They sent me home and told it was likely Dental. The day I came home Thursday the pain subsided in the evening. The Endodonist at 9AM the next day found a deeply infected root in a molar that hadn't shown up on normal x-rays, I believe the root died. He felt I need 2 molars pulled, called an Oral surgeon, an hour later I had those 2 pulled, The second tooth showed it was deeply infected and gross on the tip. They took my last wisdom tooth out for fun! lol. The pain I had for 28 hours was like a dentist drilling into a nerve and continuing to drill, mind-boggling. The water treatment worked. Sorry this is so long. Oral surgeon gave me an antibiotic and Prednisone. On Day 3 the PMR that was undiagnosed went away (completely everywhere) but returned by day 5 of the Prednisone. I pre-diagnosed myself (PMR) and 2 Dr.'s agreed. Sometime they back into a PR diagnosis that way my Primary said. I'm on normal Prednisone now 17.5mg buy it isn't quite enough-3weeks into treatment, 1st time diagnosis.