@sallylynn Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We kidney patients find that most primary care doctors don't seem to understand the issue of falling eGFR and kidney issues. Even some nephrologists do not seem to take our cases seriously until later. But you are right to be concerned, and advocate for your best health care possible! If your primary care will not refer you, go up the chain of command. Go to the patient advocate for your clinic, and demand a referral.
Watching your protein intake, along with sodium, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium will steer you towards a healthier kidney diet. Likewise, proper hydration. Moderate exercise is wonderful.
As to the causes of kidney disorders, it could be a medication reaction, diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or genetic factors. Do you take NSAIDs like Naproxen or aspirin? This can cause kidney issues; chronic kidney disease people are relegated to acetominophen [Tylenol] only for pain relief.
Bear in mind that different analyzing machines can produce varying results, as can your hydration level on a test day. or fasting/non-fasting.
I recently went onto Lisinopril. Prior to that I was on a medication that caused a lot of lymphodema. I titrated onto Lisinopril, now that I am on dialysis. As @windyshores mentioned, it can cause kidney issues. That is no longer as much of a concern for me.
Thank you for your response. Clearly I can see they, my MD's are not taking this seriously. I am assuming I am becoming a bother since I am sending a lot of My Chart messages to them. I have a CT scan in 3 days for a yearly screening for lung cancer. I do have esophagitis which is very painful and hard to manage. Is is safe for me to have the CT scan with declining eGRF numbers? The worry is the radiation. As well, I am peeing much more, and always urgent. I have been looking at me pee to study the color. Right now, is is light yellow, with a tinge of cloudiness, not much, and minuscule white flecks floating. I send a My Chart message about my urine, and they never responded. As well, I am for several days now feeling deep pain on my left scapula and under my left breast. At times, it radiates to center back. But it's a deep pain, that comes and goes. Do you know if Kidneys hurt in these area's? Thanks .