Heavily Calcified Meningioma

Posted by pendletons1 @pendletons1, May 30, 2023

My mri showed a heavily calcified lesion on the extra axial left frontal skull. Could this be from a old childhood injury if being hit on the left frontal skull with a red paver brick? My dr has ordered a ct scan, now I am nervous. Not sure why he has now ordered a ct scan. What would it show that a mri did not show.
Any answers will be helpful.

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I believe a CT scan will show HOW heavily calcified it is. That is my understanding. Good luck. Thinking of you and please keep us posted.


I believe a CT scan will show HOW heavily calcified it is. That is my understanding. Good luck. Thinking of you and please keep us posted.

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Thankyou so much. I have been learning so much from this group. Definitely helps with my anxiety. Tbe insurance denied my ct scan. Dr office is working on getting it approved.


My calcified meningioma was discovered at NYU in a MRI in 1990s. He said probably result of severe concussion I had from hitting my forehead face first on a concrete waterslide in the late 1970s. I had a bump as large as a baseball on my head. ER didn't even keep me back then! No problems now except meningioma. He said probably results of my brain slamming and resulted in meningioma.


My calcified meningioma was discovered at NYU in a MRI in 1990s. He said probably result of severe concussion I had from hitting my forehead face first on a concrete waterslide in the late 1970s. I had a bump as large as a baseball on my head. ER didn't even keep me back then! No problems now except meningioma. He said probably results of my brain slamming and resulted in meningioma.

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I'm praying that this heavily calcified lesion of my left frontal skull is also from my injury. My dr of course told me that there not caused from injury. The mri without contrast shows heavily calcified lesion. And I the after notes says no prior comparison could possibly be a calcified meningioma. I was trying to see if heavily calcified lesion is different from a heavily calcified meningioma. Thankyou so much for sharing with me about yours. My accident also was in the 70s. Er sent me home with stitches. Is yours also on the outer brain ?


Yes my is outer brain. Over 30 yrs now, knock on wood, stable & no symptoms. Good luck to you.


Yes my is outer brain. Over 30 yrs now, knock on wood, stable & no symptoms. Good luck to you.


I'm so glad to hear this. I'm so nervous about this and doing a mri with contrast. The other was without contrast. Ct scan was denied. Hopfully with contrast will show the heavily calcified lesion better.


Thankyou for your reply. I'm so nervous about this. Hoping its just from my old head injury.


Thankyou for your reply. I'm so nervous about this. Hoping its just from my old head injury.

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I am doing really well. My mecical dr pulled my mri. And reach out to the radiologist on my mri. It's a old calcified lesion from childhood I jury above my left eyebrow bone. So thankful to God and my drs for this news!!🙏 Thankyou you so much for asking. I didn't need anymore tests. Not sure why this Adena neurologist wanted to continue more tests. The radiologist noted to him that this heavily calcified lesion was from a old injury. And when I went to see him ge said it was a calcified meningioma. Showed me a pic on his cell phone of a small black spot on left frontal region above my left brow bone, where my old injury I have had since a young child is located. That dr had me so worried. And started scheduling more tests and trying to get them approved through insurance he wanted to do a ct scan and insurance denied it. Then he wanted to do mri with without contrast was the wording to insurance, I guess because he already did first one without contrast and that left it open for him saying he needed one with contrast to get it approved saying he needed more images. I went to my family dr with my concerns.

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