Hello @okradurham- it is a powerful feeling, isn't it? Feeling validated and heard made me cry, too, when I first watched the CSS video. It's my pleasure to help any way I can. You and many others are really going through it without complete understanding. It's important to be given facts about why your body is in this upheaval and how to manage symptoms. There is hope, and is a plan, but of course not everyone can get to the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center. However, following the components and teachings of the rehab plan can benefit anyone. More is explained here:
Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center:
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/pain-rehabilitation-center/sections/overview/ovc-20481691
You said it well, "giving yourself permission to not do things". We call that "push/crash", in the PRC. Giving ourselves grace during the process of recovery and getting to know our new selves, is pivotal. The program covers a lot of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) which is kind of the foundation to progress forward.
I have more videos to share from the PRC Family Days, which are held once a week during the 3 week program for families to learn about what patients are going through and how to be their positive support system during and after PRC. Are you thinking about attending the Pain Rehab Center? Which location are you closest to?
Absolutely no energy to attend but would love the videos! Today is a very bad day I just need to rest