My husband has similar symptoms and it’s been frustrating. He has right side weakness that is worse when he experiences his left side facial burning and pain. He was diagnosed with MS when he experienced complete left side numbness. The facial pain and burning began a few months later. He has seen a number of doctors. In 2 1/2 years he has seen several different neurologists and has an appt for July with a neurologist that specializes in headaches that we have been waiting months to see. Cluster headaches cause burning so we will ask about those. You are having aura too so look at different types of nueralgias or headaches, as well.
My biggest advice is to do what others have mentioned and make an appt at a very good hospital right away, even if you have to wait. Then see your PCP or loca nuero doc that has a very very good reputation while you are waiting. They may be able to start you on something in the meantime. Tests can be handled then like MRIs and blood work. Keep in mind, if meds are needed it may take a while to get the right ones so keep a list of them and how you did with each. Reach out to others with similar symptoms for support. The ER is never familiar with the symptoms my husband experiences. And usually once he gets there the attack end within the hour. However, there are a number of medications that can help with the facial pain. This is worst pain for my husband over the MS. We may finally have a good medication regime for him. His pain is less than it has ever been. I wish you the best and hopefully you can seek some support during this time.
I’ve had episodic cluster headaches for years. They come on suddenly, stay for weeks, a few a day or less, and usually in the same location at the same time of the day. Then they disappear for months or years. The only thing that relieves the intense pain is sumatriptan and now Ubrelvy. There are others now also. But you have to be careful as to not take it too often as there can be rebound headaches. Can’t win. I don’t pretend to know about adding this to an MS diagnosis, if it’s common. My PCP said I could take ibuprofen along with the med. 800 mg. They don’t interact. I wish you well. Cluster pain is one of the most intense there is. Also, there’s no root cause and no cure. Just management.