Neuropathy moving from feet to legs

Posted by tessie63 @tessie63, May 15, 2023

I have neuropathy in my hands and feet from three sessions of chemo I had about three years ago now. I have a lot of pins and needles in both my hands and feet but no pain which is a blessing I guess. These pins and needles are none the less annoying. I drop a lot of things and am unable to open things without help. I live by myself and have had to formulate my own ways to do so many different things. I am now experiencing these pins and needles climbing up my legs and that worries me. Has anyone else experienced this? If so have they stopped there or is it possible for them to go else where in my body?

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Hi Rick. I am a Canadian and so I would guess you were serving your country when this happened and you were in the Viet Nam war. You are an American hero for sure. That war should have never happened and I am so sorry you are suffering so much pain from it. Neuropathy is definitely not for the weak and it sounds like you are gritting your way through this. I wish I could help you with the pain you are feeling. I heard of a product called Mineral Ice which you just rub on and it has a soothing relief for a while at least. I have not tried this but I am going to order some today on Amazon. You shouldn’t be allergic to this I would hope. I wish you all the best and I hope I have helped you even just a little bit. Hugs

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Hi back to you Tessie, Thank you for the heads-up for the 'Mineral Ice'. Since I'm on the Board Of Spenders at Amazon... I will certainly put them on my radar for my nightly business transaction with them (I give them $$ and they take it!) I was just reading another comment, where they are using 4% Lidocaine, with some positive results! I've used the Rx @ 5% and does help on certain areas' in addition to the ointment I use the 5% patch. My primary care physician suggestion that I cut two strips from the patch and he pointed out where to place them so as to cover the descending nerve on the anterior side of your ankle, making a loop across the upper area of the foot. This is because the nerve that is the problem child runs in that direction-I am pulling this treatment from 6-7 years-it would be better if you talk to a Podiatrist(Foot MD) or whomever you rely on. Caveat, I'm not a Dr. nor do I want to be! BTW, the patch did not work on me!
Ok! I have emptied my tank so it is time to p/u my stix's and finish constructing this new router. if I can just figure out how to open the box!!
Talk to you later,


Hi back to you Tessie, Thank you for the heads-up for the 'Mineral Ice'. Since I'm on the Board Of Spenders at Amazon... I will certainly put them on my radar for my nightly business transaction with them (I give them $$ and they take it!) I was just reading another comment, where they are using 4% Lidocaine, with some positive results! I've used the Rx @ 5% and does help on certain areas' in addition to the ointment I use the 5% patch. My primary care physician suggestion that I cut two strips from the patch and he pointed out where to place them so as to cover the descending nerve on the anterior side of your ankle, making a loop across the upper area of the foot. This is because the nerve that is the problem child runs in that direction-I am pulling this treatment from 6-7 years-it would be better if you talk to a Podiatrist(Foot MD) or whomever you rely on. Caveat, I'm not a Dr. nor do I want to be! BTW, the patch did not work on me!
Ok! I have emptied my tank so it is time to p/u my stix's and finish constructing this new router. if I can just figure out how to open the box!!
Talk to you later,

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To Rick. It’s nice to see that you have a sense of humour which I enjoyed. I have a neurologist and a podiatrist and they both have been unable to help me. Maybe a psychiatrist is next. My feet according to the podiatrist, and I have see two of them, are paralyzed and they can’t help me. My GP thinks the neuropathy affected my spine but be dammed if I’m going through any more tests or surgeries. I’ve had enough and I am dealing the best I can with what life has thrown at me. I ordered my mineral ice from Amazon today. It goes by a different name. I will update you on how I like it. God bless and all the best. Hugs


Same with me, no pain but numbness gradually getting worse.

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Burning, pins and needles. Horrible. All neurologist says it anxiety and depression. They are wrong.


To Rick. It’s nice to see that you have a sense of humour which I enjoyed. I have a neurologist and a podiatrist and they both have been unable to help me. Maybe a psychiatrist is next. My feet according to the podiatrist, and I have see two of them, are paralyzed and they can’t help me. My GP thinks the neuropathy affected my spine but be dammed if I’m going through any more tests or surgeries. I’ve had enough and I am dealing the best I can with what life has thrown at me. I ordered my mineral ice from Amazon today. It goes by a different name. I will update you on how I like it. God bless and all the best. Hugs

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0H! Tessie, I do not blame you for one moment or for one good cry followed by a @#$%^&> for your reluctance and most likely aversion to any kind of surgery that involves the spine! I don't want to claim bragging rights-LOL-but I have had twenty-two
(22) of those 'Nightmares'! That last pageant put me in St Mary's Medical Center for over a month! All that I owned from C3 - C7 and replaced it with Titanium mesh-13 Aug, 2018-the next evening-14 Aug, 2018- some time after 9:00 P, in walks the Neurosurgeon to make my whole nite . "Your going back to surgery. Judging by the MRI, we didn't cut down the edge far enough. We need to go through the front of your throat"! The end result was that I could no longer walk & on & on & ON! That was by far the worst to endure, above all else...
Now to compare Cat's-Eyes' I've undergone, at last tally: Too, too many! There are those times when I fell that I resemble the 2023 Ed; of the "PDR" {Physicians Desk Reference}.
Did you happen to notice how some of the sentences' appeared truncated? I went to the kitchen to grab a sandwich and when I came back the cat had made himself at home on my keyboard and, I think, tried to do the Rhumba on the keys.
Time to head to the Rain locker & soogie my unit...
Talk to you later. Be good and stay healthy.


0H! Tessie, I do not blame you for one moment or for one good cry followed by a @#$%^&> for your reluctance and most likely aversion to any kind of surgery that involves the spine! I don't want to claim bragging rights-LOL-but I have had twenty-two
(22) of those 'Nightmares'! That last pageant put me in St Mary's Medical Center for over a month! All that I owned from C3 - C7 and replaced it with Titanium mesh-13 Aug, 2018-the next evening-14 Aug, 2018- some time after 9:00 P, in walks the Neurosurgeon to make my whole nite . "Your going back to surgery. Judging by the MRI, we didn't cut down the edge far enough. We need to go through the front of your throat"! The end result was that I could no longer walk & on & on & ON! That was by far the worst to endure, above all else...
Now to compare Cat's-Eyes' I've undergone, at last tally: Too, too many! There are those times when I fell that I resemble the 2023 Ed; of the "PDR" {Physicians Desk Reference}.
Did you happen to notice how some of the sentences' appeared truncated? I went to the kitchen to grab a sandwich and when I came back the cat had made himself at home on my keyboard and, I think, tried to do the Rhumba on the keys.
Time to head to the Rain locker & soogie my unit...
Talk to you later. Be good and stay healthy.

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OMG 22 surgeries of the spine! Surely you jest!? I mean you have a sense of humour but really that’s nothing to joke about! The fact that you can even joke about it is amazing! I think I am bad off but you take the cake! We have to laugh at life I guess after all what’s the alternative. I’m waiting for my Mineral Ice to come and make me feel better or maybe I should just have a glass of wine! Sometimes that works better than anything else
Lol! God bless hugs


feel exactly the same. Has anyone used any of the creams I see advertised? If so which ones? Did they help?


feel exactly the same. Has anyone used any of the creams I see advertised? If so which ones? Did they help?

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I use Life-Flo Magnesium lotion (purchased from Amazon). It was recommended by others in this forum and inexpensive, so I was willing to try it. I found it offers soothing when I use it.


@dbeshears1 - Debbie, how does this help? I recently tried Wisemen Healing Balm, no help at all, others here have commented it helped. Ed


@dbeshears1 - Debbie, how does this help? I recently tried Wisemen Healing Balm, no help at all, others here have commented it helped. Ed

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Ed - For starters, I have dry skin, and while I have no fluid retention, my skin feels tight. On days where I feel I’ve used my legs/muscles to an extent I feel a little extra sore, I find that this lotion adds a soothing effect, as if relieving the soreness while adding moisturizer to my skin. That process also encourages me to deliberately massage my lower legs & feet, which I should probably do more often. I only do this 2-3 times a week, before bed, though I’ve heard some use it daily.


@dbeshears1 OK, thanks, I understand the purpose and you're right, any massage in areas of neuropathy will have a positive effect. Whatever works to help us along!

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