← Return to Life expectancy with NETs and lifetyle as it progresses

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I was diagnosed in 2012 as a typical mid-gut, Ileum primary, liver mets and lymphnode mets and was given a 5 year prognosis. That was almost 11 years ago. The first five years was watch and see for tumor growth and control the syndrome through Sandostatin injections monthly and learning the five e's ( eating, exercise, emotions, ethanol and epinephrine). During the fifth year our forever home was uprooted by iminent domain for a new school. It blew the top off the emotion part of the five e's and caused rapid tumor growth. The result was bowel resection, Y-90 imbolization to the liver and later microwave ablation in 2018. Now adays as long as I watch what and how much I eat, dont over exert, stay calm, avoid booze and epi pens i can do most anything I want. Oh yes and pray daily!

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Replies to "I was diagnosed in 2012 as a typical mid-gut, Ileum primary, liver mets and lymphnode mets..."

Learned new material from your email - thanks. Never heard of the 5 e's. No bowel resection yet although came close a couple of years ago. Exercise is bad? Alcohol is bad? What about eating - eat less? Emotions play a role? Wow new stuff to me doctor never mentioned.