Severe foot pain after 4 months of walking.

Posted by shabangy @shabangy, May 28, 2023

I have been walking 2-4 miles a day since March 10th. It is now May 28th and I have severe foot pain. Have tried everything to alleviate it

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@shabangy It’s terrible that your foot pain developed and now you cannot walk as you did. When you said you’ve tried everything, can you tell me what that means?


@shabangy It’s terrible that your foot pain developed and now you cannot walk as you did. When you said you’ve tried everything, can you tell me what that means?

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I tried physical therapy, epsom salt foot soaks, Flexeril muscle relaxers,
lidocaine and magnesium.



Can you describe the pain? Is it sharp or like you stepped on a stone, but were walking on a smooth surface when it first started?


Have you been to a podiatrist? Maybe you need shoe inserts for plantar fascitis.


Have you been to a podiatrist? Maybe you need shoe inserts for plantar fascitis.

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@jackielb @shabangy I was thinking the same. A visit to a podiatrist would be helpful. I have orthotic inserts that my podiatrist measured and ordered for me. He makes adjustments in my orthotics as needed too. I haven’t had any foot problems (plantar fasciitis since then.



Can you describe the pain? Is it sharp or like you stepped on a stone, but were walking on a smooth surface when it first started?

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Was walking on a flat surface for 2 1/2 months. Pain should be letting up by now. Just an aching, burning sensation.


Was walking on a flat surface for 2 1/2 months. Pain should be letting up by now. Just an aching, burning sensation.

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If you have not seen a podiatrist yet I suggest you do. They can do x-rays and order an MRI if needed. Some foot problems can be alleviated by prescribed orthotics and or physical therapy.

I have Morton neuromas. I had removal surgery of first two neuromas at same time. Later I had a third one and went to a different podiatrist and he suggested physical therapy. My therapist did dry needling, massage and used a few ancient tools on my foot. It worked very well. I am now in my latter years and have arthritis in the foot all across base of my toes. I could have surgery, but the surgery has a long recovery. When the pain gets very bad I use a TENS Unit to help.


I have found by giving you body a rest one or two days helps to eliminate the pain
My body which is a old one , takes two days too recover following a exercise session either walking , yoga or weightlifting


One thing you need to consider is that if you were largely inactive before your walking program began, your body may be reacting to sudden overuse. It can take a long time to acclimate to a new program, and 2 or more miles, seven days a week can be too much at once.

Also, a new walking program calls for new, properly fitted walking shoes meant for the surface you are walking on, and your feet need to get used to these gradually. When we were young, it took me a few years to teach my husband that the K-Mart "Blue Light Specials" were not adequate when he was on his feet in a lab or factory all day. My Dad was a mailman, and he absolutely insisted on good shoes for all six of us kids and my Mom - it might have been the biggest expense after groceries when we were growing!

Can you tell us a little more about your walking program and what inspired you to get started?

The suggestions to see a podiatrist is a good one. Be sure to take the shoes and socks you wear while walking.


I tried physical therapy, epsom salt foot soaks, Flexeril muscle relaxers,
lidocaine and magnesium.

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It could be restless leg syndrome. I was told by a neurologist that it can affect the feet.

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