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Hi. Thanks for information. Have you ever had a CTC test, or asked them about having one? I was told that they used to do ctc, but MALE head doctor decided they weren't useful. If I had the money I would ask for a chest and abdomen mri once a year. My check- up comes July 6th. They make me fill out questionnaire Am I losing weight, turning yellow, having pain in chest, abdomen, or Spine? My blood pressure goes sky-high at these, " check- ups." BTW, have you heard of the Galleri blood test that detects 50 different cancers? It is suppose to be FDA approved this year. I can't seem to find out if it can detect recurring breast cancer.

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Replies to "Hi. Thanks for information. Have you ever had a CTC test, or asked them about having..."

Hi @colely -- thanks for sharing new info.

No, I had not heard of a CTC test or the Galleri blood test. I read up on them. It sounds like the CTC is good for predicting the likelihood of breast cancer recurrence and the effectiveness of treatment.

If I took the Galleri test, I think I would be having major anxiety waiting for those test results. I'd be afraid of hearing, "You have 10 kinds of cancer." I'm already being treated for 2 different kinds at once and so was my brother (2 different ones from mine). It sounds like you can get the test now at a cash price of around $950.

It would be interesting to look into a crystal ball to see what types of tests and treatments will be available in 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. years.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have never had any of these tests (55 years). I did find a DERMATOFIBROSARCOMA in my right leg which required a wide recission,and a SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA in the skin above my collar bone (looked like a pimple). But other than this, nothing to worry about. I still believe we can be the best cancer detective. If it looks strange, TAKE IT OFF. We know our body better than anyone else. Don't let someone pat you on the head and say "you are just worring to much". "IF IT BARKS LIKE A DOG, IT PROBABLY IS A DOG"