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I’ve been on 40mg omeprazole for Gerd and acid reflux for over 12 years.
Recently (last 3 months) it stopped working and acid was out of control. Doc booked me in for a gastroscopy, which meant no meds for 5 days prior.
Obviously the acid was really bad, but other things happened too. I started sleeping through the night. Reflux & aspiration stopped. I felt less fatigued, had a clearer head, felt like for the first time in ages I had some energy.
I’ve already suffered a crumbling hip joint and had a replacement, have put on 5 stone in the last 8 years and sometimes felt so tired and washed out that all I wanted to do was stay in bed (not possible as I still have to get up and work).
Omeprazole was my crutch and I never realised how bad it was for me - I am now trying different things to address the acid and although it initially got worse, it’s now not too bad (nearly 2 weeks off it).
I’m not going back on it. Currently changing diet to alkaline with digestive enzymes. I have a hiatus hernia. Gastroscopy found lesions and polyps which are currently being biopsied, but until I’ve tried absolutely everything else I’m not going back on meds.

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Replies to "Hi I’ve been on 40mg omeprazole for Gerd and acid reflux for over 12 years. Recently..."

I took omeprazole originally when NEXIUM was prescribed by my doctor but my insurance would not pay for it. I had no problem just stopping one and starting the other.

I then went on NEXIUM in 2014 when it came on the OTC market. After two years, I switched to ranitidine up until I had a hernia repair and LINX augmentation done in 2018.

My surgery and LINX was a great success and I have not taken as much as one tum since. Ask your doctor about it,

Dr. Lipham at USC is my referral to you. Good luck.