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Can someone tell me if I’m going slow enough

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Jun 12, 2023 | Replies (41)

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Boy, does your comment ring a bell. I’m also very impatient and attempt to wean much faster than what I’m told. I’ve been fighting a baclofen and temazapam combo for years and feel so defeated when I can’t hold to a tapering schedule. I’m one of those people who believe in ripping the bandage off but with these meds I can’t seem to succeed. I take these med for chronic insomnia which I’ve had for twenty years but they just don’t work. I get so frustrated with tiny weans that I’ll cut down a huge amount, but after three days with little or no sleep, jump back up and even adding a little more. I know this is affecting my wife as I can’t get out much due to lack of sleep but she’s a real trooper. Six days ago I began another taper. Going nuts and if I don’t sleep tonight, this will be another failed attempt. You’re certainly not alone. Best of luck to you.

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Replies to "Boy, does your comment ring a bell. I’m also very impatient and attempt to wean much..."

So sorry to hear what you’re going through. Not sleeping has been the worse withdrawal symptom for me and I think if I was sleeping better my recovery would be further along. This experience is truly a 24/7 nightmare. My wife and I have been together for 54 years and very happy but these past few months of my taper is really testing our relationship. I feel so bad that I’m putting her through this and sometimes think she’d be better off if I was gone. Dark thoughts.
It’s so hard to be patient when you’re hurting so much but I guess we have no other option but somehow find the strength to keep going. Good luck to you also.

@historyguy, I feel very sad reading your message about constant efforts to taper off your meds…you mentioned that you’ve suffered from insomnia for 20 years and the medication you’re taking don’t offer you much results…what troubles me most is you are going through tapering off the meds and to no avail so the whole nightmare repeats itself… this is a very nonproductive course you’re on and you need to seek help getting off it, a medication that actually helps you with insomnia would be a good start and also a asking your doctor for active programs to support your needs… I don’t want to sound like I’m judging you because I’m not, I also have ongoing problems with my meds and tapering off them but if life as it is now stays this way I strongly doubt I will ever be able to stop them.