I’m new, concerned, NERVOUS and worried NO Diagnosis

Posted by isaish53n5 @isaish53n5, Apr 9, 2023

My doctor had recommended that I have a biopsy on my right breast. At this time, the doctor has identified a suspicious area of concern in the right upper outer posterior of the breast. Specifically, there are white loose clusters calcifications that show concern.

the doctor indicated

Increasing loose cluster of microcalcifications within upper and outer quadrant of the right breast at posterior depth. Further characterization with 90 degree ML projection and spot magnification views is recommended.

A written summary of this mammography report in lay terms was sent to the patient.

The chief value of a mammogram is to detect a non-palpable cancer. A negative mammogram should not deter further workup if it is clinically warranted. Approximately 10% of palpable malignancies cannot be visualized radiographically.

Overall BI-RADS category: 0 - Incomplete: Needs

Additional Imaging Evaluation

I don’t know what all this means really however I do know the doctor and nurse indicated that most of these are benign. The nurse also indicated if this was a major concern that they would have briefed her on my case but they didn’t. The doctor just wants to rule out the possibilities of breast cancer. (Well if that’s the case, why do they want to do a stereotactic biopsy?) what is a sterotactic biopsy?

what are the odds of this being something serious?

Thank you and God bless you all,


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Hi everyone,
I took a little time to digest everything and give a response. The biopsy went well. It didn’t hurt and there was a nurse right by my side during the stereotactic biopsy. Everyone was empathetic and kind. I was greeted by the team in the hallway and they all made me feel great! I felt like Beyoncé with an all “girl band” (medical team of Women 💪🏽) and I was the star.

Well the radiologist was super transparent and answered every question prior to and post examination . My results were due on Tuesday but I received them on Monday for the doctor was just as anxious to give me the results.

The Results:
Well, I need a lumpectomy. The doctor saw, Atypical hyperplasia, FEA -Flat Epithelial atypica, and Lobular Carcinoma “In situ” But the doctors want to see if I have dcis which is why I’m having the lumpectomy. DCIS was not seen in the biopsy and it remains inconclusive. They will remove the area when they saw abnormal cells and test for dcis. If it’s benign- no DCIS, no radiation post surgery, If their is DCIS- BC, then I’ll have a round of radiation. Then that’s it. I’m uncertain as to the scarring and if I should just get a mastectomy 😔.
2 inches from the right breast is a lot of tissue. Even so I don’t want to lose “righty”.

What are your thoughts.

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@isaish53n5 you're doing great with all this. I loved your description of being the star of the team. Good attitude! It sounds like your team is really on top of things. I only chose the mastecomy because of my BRCA2+ status. Listen to your doctor's advice, but don't hesitate to get that second opinion if unsure.

If your question is purely a cosmetic issue then it seems like missing 2" is better than all of it. I would think a lumpectomy would leave less of a scar than a mastectomy.


Hi everyone,
I took a little time to digest everything and give a response. The biopsy went well. It didn’t hurt and there was a nurse right by my side during the stereotactic biopsy. Everyone was empathetic and kind. I was greeted by the team in the hallway and they all made me feel great! I felt like Beyoncé with an all “girl band” (medical team of Women 💪🏽) and I was the star.

Well the radiologist was super transparent and answered every question prior to and post examination . My results were due on Tuesday but I received them on Monday for the doctor was just as anxious to give me the results.

The Results:
Well, I need a lumpectomy. The doctor saw, Atypical hyperplasia, FEA -Flat Epithelial atypica, and Lobular Carcinoma “In situ” But the doctors want to see if I have dcis which is why I’m having the lumpectomy. DCIS was not seen in the biopsy and it remains inconclusive. They will remove the area when they saw abnormal cells and test for dcis. If it’s benign- no DCIS, no radiation post surgery, If their is DCIS- BC, then I’ll have a round of radiation. Then that’s it. I’m uncertain as to the scarring and if I should just get a mastectomy 😔.
2 inches from the right breast is a lot of tissue. Even so I don’t want to lose “righty”.

What are your thoughts.

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I do not understand, why are you talking a mastectomy? I had invasive ductile carcinoma with calcifications. The surgeon had the fist sample tested, which showed calcifications in the margin so she had to take more tissue. It came back clean. They closed but sent tissue to FISH for further testing to determine the HER2 2+equivolcal, which came back negative. I have 3 markers which grow the cancer: 100% estrogen, 95% progestogen, HER2 2+ negative. I was told if the calcifications start clumping then that is an indication of possible cancer. Mine were not clumping. But the mass had grown from the size of an eraser 1 year prior to the size of a quarter. I have very dense breast, and I am 76 yrs old. I just finished a 5 day radiation and am waiting for my oncology appointment for the AI medicine. Which will have to be compounded and which i might not be able to take. ? God Bless and take care. my mass was 1.3 cm in size. Stage 1A grade 2


I had a lumpectomy for DCIS in late January 2023. My recovery was no different from the biopsy- very easy. My “scar” is a 2in straight line that is hardly visible. My breast looks normal otherwise. If the line wasn’t there, you would not know that any tissue was missing.
If your surgeon gets good clear margins around the suspicious area, you may not even need radiation. I take Tamoxifen once a day with zero side effects.
Each case is different. Advocate for yourself. You have options.
Best of luck.


@isaish53n5 you're doing great with all this. I loved your description of being the star of the team. Good attitude! It sounds like your team is really on top of things. I only chose the mastecomy because of my BRCA2+ status. Listen to your doctor's advice, but don't hesitate to get that second opinion if unsure.

If your question is purely a cosmetic issue then it seems like missing 2" is better than all of it. I would think a lumpectomy would leave less of a scar than a mastectomy.

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Thank you so much. I’m trying to hold onto as much positivity as I can. My anxiety has always been very high as I’m an Army combat soldier. I’m so new to all of this for it’s an unfamiliar territory. I greatly appreciate any and all feedback and no matter my results I’ll always be apart of this forum. It’s helping me as a whole.


Then I’ll add, thank you for your service to our country. Always honorable, brave and much appreciated! You’re going to come through all of this with flying colors. ❤️


Then I’ll add, thank you for your service to our country. Always honorable, brave and much appreciated! You’re going to come through all of this with flying colors. ❤️

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Thank you☺️


I do not understand, why are you talking a mastectomy? I had invasive ductile carcinoma with calcifications. The surgeon had the fist sample tested, which showed calcifications in the margin so she had to take more tissue. It came back clean. They closed but sent tissue to FISH for further testing to determine the HER2 2+equivolcal, which came back negative. I have 3 markers which grow the cancer: 100% estrogen, 95% progestogen, HER2 2+ negative. I was told if the calcifications start clumping then that is an indication of possible cancer. Mine were not clumping. But the mass had grown from the size of an eraser 1 year prior to the size of a quarter. I have very dense breast, and I am 76 yrs old. I just finished a 5 day radiation and am waiting for my oncology appointment for the AI medicine. Which will have to be compounded and which i might not be able to take. ? God Bless and take care. my mass was 1.3 cm in size. Stage 1A grade 2

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Yes you are right I’ll try to be more optimistic. Thank you for your feedback.


I was just diagnosed today with ash atypical ductal hyperplasia and had very similar issues to what you are having. Let me know if this is what you also have


Updates for all!

I’ve graduated with a doctorate in anxiety! LoL kidding. Anxiety isn’t fun!

So, I spoke to my breast surgeon on May 17th, 2023.

The Surgeon’s Resident was a beautiful young lady with awesome bedside manners!

Resident: I’m Doctor Q and the resident for Dr. K.
Oh… you work for another hospital. …Ok our assessment is complete. Now. Explain to me what’s going on.

Me: 🗣️🎙️📚📗📘📙📓 with isolated abnormal cellular changes. 🎬

Resident: YOU ARE SPOT ON! Nice! This helps us a lot when patients understand what’s going on.

Me: 🤓

The Surgeon enters the room rather stern. I felt so honored to meet her. I actually researched her and she graduated from Harvard medical school. Her eyes were gray and filled with wisdom.

After my exam, she explained everything to me even though she knew my field of work.

She said LCIS is of concern however, I am more concerned with the ADH diagnosis. We can remove the LCIS and the ADH however you have a 20-25 % chance of having DCIS.

This is why we want to remove a 2 inch circumference from your right breast. If your right breast looks different from the left I will refer you for reconstructive surgery.

Have you ever heard of Tamoxifen?

Me: yes. Yikes

Afterwards, I met with my counselor to make an appointment for pre surgery which is June 22nd and the surgery date is July 6th.

They also want to conduct genetic testing for brca.

Instead of worrying daily, I have moments I become emotional or drained. Prayer has been so helpful and I’m remaining hopeful.


I was just diagnosed today with ash atypical ductal hyperplasia and had very similar issues to what you are having. Let me know if this is what you also have

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Yes. I have an ADH diagnosis with a 20-25% chance of development of the little C.

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