Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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I was at a new doctor's office this week SHE said that according to my CT, Ultra Sound and symptoms, I have a Fistula leaking into my gall bladder. OMG. She now has the MRIs to make final decision, but she stated that she thinks I need laproscopy to close the fistula. Anyone else had this surgery to close a fistula? I'm so scared!


I was at a new doctor's office this week SHE said that according to my CT, Ultra Sound and symptoms, I have a Fistula leaking into my gall bladder. OMG. She now has the MRIs to make final decision, but she stated that she thinks I need laproscopy to close the fistula. Anyone else had this surgery to close a fistula? I'm so scared!

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Hello @maxine50,
A laparoscopy is a non-invasive type of surgery and much easier to recover from than a more invasive surgery. Here is some information about laparoscopic procedures:


While this article is about gynecological surgery, many members of Connect have had gallbladders removed by a laparoscopic procedure including @tasha00. I hope that she connects with you and I hope this gives you some helpful information until someone who has had laparoscopic surgery responds to your question.


Hello @maxine50,
A laparoscopy is a non-invasive type of surgery and much easier to recover from than a more invasive surgery. Here is some information about laparoscopic procedures:


While this article is about gynecological surgery, many members of Connect have had gallbladders removed by a laparoscopic procedure including @tasha00. I hope that she connects with you and I hope this gives you some helpful information until someone who has had laparoscopic surgery responds to your question.

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Thanks for the site info. I hope they don't want to remove my gall bladder only close the fistula. Now, I'm really scared. Waiting to hear from doctor so I must just relax.


Thanks for the site info. I hope they don't want to remove my gall bladder only close the fistula. Now, I'm really scared. Waiting to hear from doctor so I must just relax.

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Yes, please relax, @maxine50. Why you think your gallbladder will be removed? Has there been an indication that there is a gallbladder problem?


No, don't think my gall bladder will be removed, but what if when they get inside and see something that shouldn't be there. I'm just worrying.


I wish I could go to bath room to just pee and not find poop in my pants. I don't even know it's happening or why. I'm so tired of all this!


I presented myself @ the Emergency Room on 3/31 with fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and the doctor told me, no bowel sounds. The CT Scan revealed diverticulitis. I was placed on 10 days of Flagyl and Cefdinir. Since then my Sjogrens has increased and eyes, mouth and intestinal mucosa have been compromised. Also I now have increased inflammation in my body, severe constipation and constant pain just above the umbilicus (stomach or intestine). Since the radiologist diagnosed diverticulitis I am wondering if there were also other findings in the radiology (?). I, too am not able to see my GI doctor until August and have a Telemed with my Stanford GI doctor scheduled for August. I communicate with these physicians as well as my Rheumatologist by portal. I respect my current GI doctor but he is too busy to see me in timely periods.


My GI Doctor recommended more cooked vegetables, NO RAW VEGETABLES, increased ingestion of water, Miralax twice a day and 2 Senna tabs, 2 hours of exercise per day. He also OK'd popcorn

I am currently involved in water aerobics in a warm water pool.


I presented myself @ the Emergency Room on 3/31 with fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and the doctor told me, no bowel sounds. The CT Scan revealed diverticulitis. I was placed on 10 days of Flagyl and Cefdinir. Since then my Sjogrens has increased and eyes, mouth and intestinal mucosa have been compromised. Also I now have increased inflammation in my body, severe constipation and constant pain just above the umbilicus (stomach or intestine). Since the radiologist diagnosed diverticulitis I am wondering if there were also other findings in the radiology (?). I, too am not able to see my GI doctor until August and have a Telemed with my Stanford GI doctor scheduled for August. I communicate with these physicians as well as my Rheumatologist by portal. I respect my current GI doctor but he is too busy to see me in timely periods.

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Hello @noelles

I can certainly appreciate your concern over the radiology tests. Are you able to obtain a copy of the report through the patient portal? If so, this might give you some peace of mind and also some good information on any other diagnoses that might be present.

I see that your doctor recommended Senna in addition to Miralax. I have diverticulitis and I have found Senna to increase cramping and abdominal pain. You might see if this might be a problem for you.

Have you tried to access the radiology report through the patient portal?


I had my last colonoscopy a 2-3 years ago and told my GI I was having sharp stabbing pain in my left lower pelvis area. He dismissed my concerns and said it was my IBS. I told him I know I've had IBS/GERD now barretts for 30 years and know the symptons. Fast forward I struggle with IBS - C and D and and I starting having that pain more frequently. I know what to eat and what no for my issues. Recently I noticed my bowel movement were perfect balls about a little smaller than a golf ball. always about 5 at a time. Then I noticed mubowel movement looked identical like small pellets. Bouts of normal movement, constipation, severe diahreia not making it to the toilet in time or I my colon was like numb and I would have a small movenet with no feeling until i got the the bathroom. It has advanced and I changed Gi's and can't get an appt. until the end of July. A recent scan can showed diverticulousis but I know it has advanced beause I sometime see light pink tinge after I wipe. I have about 8 major autoimune illness and a ton of offspring. Lupus and Sjogrens have helped themself to all my organs and body parts literally. I feel like I'm slowly dying. Any comments, suggetions would be appreciated,. Wondering why my doctor didn't see the diverticulosis when I had the colonscopy. Is it visible? How long does it take to take from the time I started having sharp jabbing pain in my pelvis to diverticulitis. Many thanks.

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You need to get a CT scan and a new gastro immediately. I understand what you are going through. I am still going through incompetent doctors and labs.

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