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Harrington rods and complications

Spine Health | Last Active: Feb 9 8:04am | Replies (42)

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I am a polio survivor ( 1954 epidemic) and soon after developed scoliosis. After emerging from an iron lung that kept me alive I was fitted with a series of torso braces as I grew up and as the spinal curve increased to a state of alarm Eventually as a 14 year old teenager, I given the choice of wearing a St Louis brace which appeared horrifying or Harrington rods. It was explained to me that I would never be the same flexibility wise but I chose the rods and Dr. Harrington performed spinal fusion and implanted his rods in 1965. The rods have never broken or in themselves been a problem but I am 70 now and over the years my spine has been slumping and my hips are no longer even resulting in one leg being a fair bit shorter than the other which makes walking a wobbly adventure. I have been contemplating whether I should return to wearing a back/torso brace of some sort. Burt don't know if this would do any good. Anyone have a similar experience?

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Replies to "I am a polio survivor ( 1954 epidemic) and soon after developed scoliosis. After emerging from..."

What a journey you’ve been through! I will say I was fused T2-L2 when I was 18 years old to correct my severe double scoliosis curves. After about 10 years everything below my fusion had basically crumbled. I’d had a couple surgeries on L4-L5 but no relief. I had developed flatback that progressed into kyphosis. I was then confined to a wheelchair for about 6 months as walking became impossible. I had flatback revision done anterior and posterior and they also put a cage in my lumbar to give me a curve in my low back again. That surgery was life changing. I went on for 7 years. If you find a surgeon you really trust I think the revision would absolutely be worth it.
I have to say I was extremely interested to read about the polio. I was vaccinated for polio in 1985 and for my entire adult life have been convinced that the vaccine gave me scoliosis. Have physicians ever linked your polio and scoliosis?

Do you think polios causes scoliosis? I’ve been wondering for years. I for some reason have always strongly felt that the polio vaccine gave me scoliosis so I was curious to read your post!