Concerned about the side effects of anastrozole
I completed all treatments for breast cancer but now I am supposed to take hormone blocker, named anastrozole. im concerned about the side effects. Has anyone here taken it and did anyone have hair loss?
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Thank you for your input! I'll ask my oncologist about melatonin when I see her next week ~ Right now I am taking a mixture of Ativan and neurontin...Wouldlike to switch to something not so addictive, although at this point, I would take just about anything to be able to sleep through the night!
Hi Colleen, the only other side effect is insomnia. I went through the same thing at menopause. I take a Benadryl before bed and no caffeine after noon. That helps. I expect to be on this drug for several years. Even in menopause, I had a noticeable surge in hormones in the months before my diagnosis. Night sweats. Tender breasts. Insiomnia. Most interesting, I had severe itching in my right breast, in the area of the cancer. My blood work confirmed elevated estrogen. So I don't expect my oncologist to take me off anytime soon.
Melatonin is pretty benign. (My 96 year old mother takes it.) 3mg is about the weakest dosage. I think they also have 5mg. Sometimes if I wake up and cannot fall asleep I'll take another if it's still early (3am or so). I don't seem to have a "hangover" the next day. Good luck
Great suggestion. I have a foam roller and i love it
Thanks, Wandering! I have read SO many conflicting reports (I KNOW I should stop Googling!) and I thought Melatonin was not recommended but from what I am reading on this site, Melatonin sounds great. I see my oncologist this Thursday...My first visit since I began radiation and I am scared to death. Don't ask me why ~ I am a worrier, but I AM determined to do all I can do to keep from having a recurrence. I am still half kicking myself for forgoing chemo, but when shown the statistics of adding chemo to my treatment, the statistics weren't much higher for chemo as opposed to radiation and Arimidex. I am trying hard to be "mindful" and do think I'll go back to yoga ~ I think this site is great ~ I have lots of supportive friends and family members....But none of them are dealing with breast cancer and treatment. Be well and take care ~
never heard of i Arimidext i take Ibrance/chemo pill now for about 3 mod. for brst. canc, i was unable to have mastectomy as went to far, so take the above, faslidex and xgeva. also have a rectal tumor that nothing is being done and have tried for several mos. to find a less invasive surgeon.
good luck on your treatments, i did have radiation on the rectal tumor 2 yrs. ago not a good experience at all and do not reccommend it with the dr.s i went to.
talk to you later.starlight
My doc gave me Xanex to be used as needed. I either fall asleep early or have insomnia due to Arimidex. If I realize by 1am I'm not going to fall asleep she says take a 1/2 pill. I sleep well but don't wake up groggy
I use it judiciously, melatonin didn't work for me
I am not using my Ativan judiciously, I am sorry to say. I have taken it for sleep for many years. I am willing to give the melatonin a try ~ You never know! I also take Neurontin, which is not addictive and am trying to substitute it for Ativan, slowly. I found a recipe for "Golden Milk" on one of the Cancer Nutrition pages and when I simply can't stay in bed due to insomnia, I come downstairs and make a cup of that. It uses Turmeric, which I happen to love...It is an acquired taste but I do feel a slight drowsiness after consuming a cup....Could be because I haven't had more than 3 hours of sleep that night!
Just saw your post! I am beginning my 3rd week of Arimidex and so far have my fingers crossed.....Some insomnia, some fatigue (brought on by the insomnia?) and joint pain in the joints that already had arthritis, so it is not a huge deal. My life is pretty much back to normal after my December diagnosis and when I take my little white Arimidex every morning I think of it as what will keep any further cancer from returning. Honestly, things would have to get pretty bad with the Arimidex before I would consider stopping it.
Hi, Starlight! I can imagine radiation for rectal problems would be VERY unpleasant. I know how much my breast and underarm suffered after 6 weeks of radiation, so I think rectal burning and swelling would be very painful. I hope you are healing. If you don't mind my asking, and maybe it's against the site rules, but where do you live? Small town? It might be worth your while to find a proctologist who is willing to give you a second opinion. It sounds as though having someone else give you an option would be good. I'll keep you in my thoughts, Starlight!