Basic PSA Question for anxious person.

Posted by jenson @jenson, May 18, 2023

I have bad anxiety around cancer and had a PSA test today.

The results were 1.94. So on the little diagram on the results, it’s right in the center of normal.

You’d think I’d be happy. I’m kind of okay but fussing with the fact that I do not remember the PSA level I had done a few years ago (a dr bundle it into reg blood work) but thought it was lower and don't think I can remember where to retrieve that. And also know (I think - too much time online) that 1.9 is at the high end of the normal range for my age group (I’m 52) and therefore still at an increased risk relatively speaking.

Should I even be worrying about this? What is your view/interpretation of this? Is this in fact high for my age? And would it matter what my level was say 5 years ago in this instance?

Sorry if these are overly anxiety driven questions.


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If you rode a bike or had sexual activity within 24 hours it can raise PSA.. some people do have slight levels at your age.. urologist needs to do a digital exam..and possibly then a repeat PSA.. then analysis
Relax stress can do a lot of harm..
I take a good dose of magnesium during stressful time, calming


If you rode a bike or had sexual activity within 24 hours it can raise PSA.. some people do have slight levels at your age.. urologist needs to do a digital exam..and possibly then a repeat PSA.. then analysis
Relax stress can do a lot of harm..
I take a good dose of magnesium during stressful time, calming

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5 years is too long ago to assess your doubling time. At age 52 you then had it done at age 47 and not at age 50? That sounds odd. Repeat in 1 year, or 6 months if you are that worried.


A single PSA value at this level simply has little value. You could have PCA at PSA 1.9, or nothing at PSA 5.9. Only a trend line over time will give you useful information. Random spikes are not infrequent.

Some people use the term PSA Velocity, but the docs really really should be looking for a significant increase over time, perhaps a doubling. I don't have a link to provide you with more granular detail.

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