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What I find interesting is that my husband constantly repeats at home. When we go to visit my sister and have dinner there, he becomes very quiet (which is not like him) but it's as if he controls himself. The minute we are home it starts again- what time is it, what day is it etc etc.

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Replies to "What I find interesting is that my husband constantly repeats at home. When we go to..."

The uniqueness of this disease constantly surprises me. Are these times at your sister’s able to provide a bit of respite even though you know the repetitiveness will return?

Mine does the same thing. He talks very little when we are out with family, etc. At home he is questioning nearly everything I do repeatedly. He wants to know who I talked to on the phone and asks why I said certain words. If I don't give him the answer he wants he gets irate and huffs and puffs like a child. He asks the same questions over and over in a space of 10 minutes. I can tell him something several times and he can't remember I told him. He has even gone so far as to tell him he deliberately doesn't listen when I talk to him. In addition to his failing mental issues he is also stage 3b chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, severe arthritis and can't walk or perform labor intensive tasks. I am tired and feel like I have no time or privacy to myself. He finds fault with nearly everything I do. I will soon start therapy to help me cope with this.