Removal of sigmoid colon due to diverticulitis: How to deal with pain?

Posted by sunny1971 @sunny1971, Sep 22, 2020

Hello, i had a "take down" they call it, from removal of sigmoid colon in 2006. I was 49 years old, no cancer, luckily. Surgery went well, I had a wonderful caring surgeon. 10 years later , i started to get a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, where the sigmoid was, it was unbearable , felt like spasms, coming ,and going. Everything i ate had to be fully watched, I am a healthy eater, this pain went on for years, i got cat scans, this scan, that test, nothing. I increased drinking so much water, i could float away. It got so bad, i wrote my surgeon in georgia, and he took the time to call me. stating i have a one way in and a one way out with my food intake. Gas was the major issue, but the pain was enough to go to the ER. it suddenly disappeared for a couple years,
i still cant pinpoint, what it really could be, or when will it return, if it does. I went as far to keep a record of what I ate and drank.
has anyone experienced this kind of excruciating pain??

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Either my "stomach" was happy or sad. During happy days, I had low fiber diet that included buttered noodles, toast, crackers w/jelly, baked potatoes, and boiled chicken, carrots from homemade instant pot chicken soup. I could eat small portions of salmon and swordfish on good days, too. Canned green beans were my staple vegetable. Yogurt worked for me as well. On bad days, maybe after trying something new like coconut shrimp, I would stay on a clear chicken broth (from instant pot chicken recipe), pudding and cream of wheat. It was a soft food diet for one day and I would be ok the next day.

That boiled chicken (from instant pot soup) turned into chicken tacos, hot chicken sandwich, gravy and mashed potatoes! Later a good chicken salad. Now I'm trying beef!!


Either my "stomach" was happy or sad. During happy days, I had low fiber diet that included buttered noodles, toast, crackers w/jelly, baked potatoes, and boiled chicken, carrots from homemade instant pot chicken soup. I could eat small portions of salmon and swordfish on good days, too. Canned green beans were my staple vegetable. Yogurt worked for me as well. On bad days, maybe after trying something new like coconut shrimp, I would stay on a clear chicken broth (from instant pot chicken recipe), pudding and cream of wheat. It was a soft food diet for one day and I would be ok the next day.

That boiled chicken (from instant pot soup) turned into chicken tacos, hot chicken sandwich, gravy and mashed potatoes! Later a good chicken salad. Now I'm trying beef!!

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At 7 weeks are you able to each fresh spinach, cilantro, or black beans, bison or ground beef?
I tried Salmon at week 2 and that did not go well. At almost week 4 /cod, chicken, and turkey are working well.
My veggies I include the cooked carrots and frozen green beans.
How is your energy level at week 7?
I am to return back to week at week 7 and have concerns?
My position is an active one, no sitting at this job.


Thank you so much for your input, very helpful, I too have to watch what goes down, of course, not always am I perfect, i eat good, cook my own veggies, have found that broccoli, and things like cauliflower, too gassy, I dont drink milk much at all, when i get upset or stressed, i do see a pattern of nerves evolving, so i try to watch that as well. Diverticulitis isnt fun, i am retired now, 66, at least I dont have to go to a stressful job, like I did half my life, I worked in a very busy medical office, and scheduled medical surgery and
procedures! So my stress level is down! Thank God. I think I will be seeing my GI soon to discuss ! You have been very helpful, after any surgery there are always consequences .But over time, like you said, trial and era, we can conquer.
Thanks again !!

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I was diagnosed with Divirticulitis several years ago. But had no problems with it till last March. One morning, had severe pain...left side. Had emergency surgery for a perforated bowel. A foot of my sigmoid colon was removed and now wearing a Colostomy bag. Quite a shock to wake up in ICU seeing a bag connected to me! I still deal with food issues unfortunately, but I am slowly trying to introduce my favorite foods and know which ones give me a rather strong output. Emotionally and mentally I am still dealing with it all, but I am able to be somewhat active. I am eligible for a reversal, but still undecided. I have connected with several people (mostly women) who have had a tough time with the reversal and some have had to revert back to a Colostomy in the end. In the meantime I am trying to deal with the mental and emotional aspects of all I have been through.


Good luck. My brother had his sigmoid colon removed after nearly having peeritonitis. He did have a colostomy bag for about four months and then had a reversal. That was about 20 years ago. He is just fine and is now 75 years old. Hope that helps with your decision making.


I had colon resection with take down of splenic flexture over a year ago. I now have excruciating pain where I think the new bend in the transverse colon is. My surgeon says see my family dr. Family dr says it’s pain, doesn’t know why!! Arg!! Is it possible to have problems after take down?


I had colon resection with take down of splenic flexture over a year ago. I now have excruciating pain where I think the new bend in the transverse colon is. My surgeon says see my family dr. Family dr says it’s pain, doesn’t know why!! Arg!! Is it possible to have problems after take down?

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How awful. You must find a new doctor with common sense.


Hey guys. I am to do the robotic sigmoid colectomy end of Aug. how is everyone now. Is it worth it. How was your healing ? Any pointers you can give me


I’m wondering 💭 if there is an admin on this page that can direct this person to another page where they can get more answers?
My Father in law had full colostomy in his late 60’s with bag and lived w/ it 20 years til he passed , he seem to do ok w/ it . Irrigation was was took the longest and not eating certain foods ( like nuts , corn ) etc..
My Mom had scar tissue from diverticulitis ( which she had bouts of her whole adult life )in her early 80’s. .
She had portion of her intestines out and temp bag . Her stoma wasn’t right and bag kept falling off w/ contents in it in the Rehab facility.
She only had it on 2 months or less than she passed ( not from that , from multiple organ failure). It did depress her so much having it .
I can’t imagine what you went through just going in with pain and having emergency colostomy.
You need to reach out to a really good new Dr. who has great reviews and can lead you down the right path .
I suffer chronically with 7 diagnoses over 10 years w/ severe digestive disorders. I’ve seen 6 Gastros even Mayo Clinic Jacksonville for testing . No one can help me . I suffer , life isn’t the same last long 10 years. Sucks Joy out of you because constantly sick 🤢.
God Bless


I’m wondering 💭 if there is an admin on this page that can direct this person to another page where they can get more answers?
My Father in law had full colostomy in his late 60’s with bag and lived w/ it 20 years til he passed , he seem to do ok w/ it . Irrigation was was took the longest and not eating certain foods ( like nuts , corn ) etc..
My Mom had scar tissue from diverticulitis ( which she had bouts of her whole adult life )in her early 80’s. .
She had portion of her intestines out and temp bag . Her stoma wasn’t right and bag kept falling off w/ contents in it in the Rehab facility.
She only had it on 2 months or less than she passed ( not from that , from multiple organ failure). It did depress her so much having it .
I can’t imagine what you went through just going in with pain and having emergency colostomy.
You need to reach out to a really good new Dr. who has great reviews and can lead you down the right path .
I suffer chronically with 7 diagnoses over 10 years w/ severe digestive disorders. I’ve seen 6 Gastros even Mayo Clinic Jacksonville for testing . No one can help me . I suffer , life isn’t the same last long 10 years. Sucks Joy out of you because constantly sick 🤢.
God Bless

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Hi Rozy 288. I had laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy exactly one year ago on July 6th. Never experienced any pain or issues following surgery and recovery was very quick. I’m not sure what part of the country you live in but there is a surgeon in Weston FL. by the name of Stephen Wexner at Cleveland Clinic, he is the best of the best. Suggest you give him a try!


Hi Rozy 288. I had laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy exactly one year ago on July 6th. Never experienced any pain or issues following surgery and recovery was very quick. I’m not sure what part of the country you live in but there is a surgeon in Weston FL. by the name of Stephen Wexner at Cleveland Clinic, he is the best of the best. Suggest you give him a try!

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Unfortunately I’m not diagnosed with anything requiring surgery.
I’m in West Melbourne and my kids live in Boca Raton area and my friend lives in Weston .
I looked into getting into a Gastro Dr there but only saw a few on my plan and they didn’t look great .
I know CC well as my Mom had a few Surgeries in the Ohio one .
I’m going to the Gastric Institute of Orlando in Oct to see a néw Gastroenterologist. She had great reviews.
Thanks for the info . I appreciate it .

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