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Yes…a lot of extra weight. I have been on prednisone..starting to taper off.
Still I am miserable…fatigue, sweats, chest pain, chest heaviness, so short of breathe. I think I had CoVid the end of Jan 2023… now in my 4 th month of these debilitating symptoms. I have emphysema from second hand smoke , which complicates things…76 years old ..female

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Replies to "Yes…a lot of extra weight. I have been on prednisone..starting to taper off. Still I am..."

Just a note— the heavy doses of HRT I was on (after I had my child ) was thrown completely out of whack post Covid. My hormone test showed negligible estrogen, and I was on the highest dose poss. It leveled out eventually, but every period my world is rocked.
I lost weight during Covid, but during last 2 long haul surges I have gained a bunch. My thyroid has been off, and all other hormones.
This is NOT intended to be a downer comment…. Just putting out another experience: I was on Hormone Replacement Therapy and had a stable thyroid pre-Covid . Afterwards, it became a Yahtzee game each time I was tested— new numbers every roll. Very frustrating. It’s a theme Ive noticed with female sufferers. ( I gain some peace in this: an elderly male Obgyn said abt women during menopause, “it’s calories in gotta equal calories out.” His nurse, once he left, rolled her eyes and said “he doesn’t know what he’s talking about…” !!!)