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DiscussionWhat's outside of your picture window today?
Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (2464)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "@callalloo Since I feed a lot of squirrels at my condo, I can tell you that..."
@californiazebra, @callalloo, @johnbishop,and all...Hello, my window friend. You squirrel lovers are a hoot. I told you about my college days encounter feeding squirrels and the follow-up week of rabies shots in my stomach. Yuck! I've overcome a lot in the subsequent years, so don't sit with a rifle waiting for the 6-8 squirrels, probably all related...that visit continually throughout the day. I use baffles over my hanging feeders and hang several metal tubes filled with peanuts, sunflower seeds, and in winter months peanut flavored suet balls. Mostly for the squirrels. This keeps them busy a lot of the day and not focused on the seeds for my feathered friends.
Also, I have a couple of safflower seed glass feeders for the doves and other birds who enjoy them. Squirrels don't! Good! So, all to say I've adjusted and enjoy watching their nimble antics and fussing over property rights, but focus on more for the birds.
I have pileated woodpeckers several times daily...I adore this huge, lovely bird. Also, several other woodys, downy and red-headed, chickadees, cardinal families, finch, a lovely new yellow/gray? finch yesterday and today. House finch is lovely, with territorial mockingbirds, sparrows, and others. It's always fun to see them come as soon as I put out food and water plants. They're watching, some even come sit on my fence and watch me fill and water. Amazing how friendly they can be. Then, the calls go out! It's pretty noisy with several sending out loud and long vocal calls to lunch. I love it. And, it happens with me on the patio filling the feeders!
I have 5-6 doves several times daily. I also have a feeder filled with dove food they've recently found as well as the 2 safflower feeders. The dove seed feeder isn't the best for such large feeders, so I think I need a different style. Guess I'm buying a new feeder!!!! I do spoil them all as I can...They're very happy visitors.
Occasionally, I see an extra large bird fly over. I don't think it's looking for birds as food, but checking things out. We do have owls, eagles, and hawks...we have to watch carefully over our small dog as we walk her. Often we have one of the hunters circling above. It's really disconcerting and I go into protection mama bear mode.
Hope all are well. Blessings, elizabeth