Hi there,
I also have what I prefer to call a redundant colon (it is the same thing), but it was termed 'severe' by the gastro doctor who did the colonoscopy. I have never had any polyps (looking up the term tubular adenoma, that seems to be how most polyps are categorized). Congrats on having only one. Diet matters, in my view. With only one polyp, I don't know what colonoscopy schedule that puts you on. Your gastro doctor should have told you and if s/he didn't, it is likely in your charts.
Redundant colon can cause digestive issues and one of them is constipation, which I have; it definitely makes me feel 'full.'
For my redundant colon constipation, I drink more water and eat cooked rather than raw foods, and that seems to help.
What I am also just now trying out is sleeping on my left side. According to a Healthline article, sleeping on your left side, recommended for IBS, redundant colon, etc., gives the waste processing aspect of your redundant colon a gravity assist. Gravity pushes it along. Only two days in, I can vouch for it preventing constipation or incomplete evacuation. But it has only been two days.
Oh cool. I will try sleeping on my left side. I did finally hear from the doctor. And I have to have a colonoscopy every 5 years instead of every 10 years. The thing is that type of polyp that I mentioned, that's the type that has the propensity to turn into cancer. There's two types of polyps that they could find. One will always be benign and never turn into cancer and then the other one is the tubular adenoma. Tubular adenomas are exactly what they're looking for when they do colonoscopies. Those are the ones that are going to eventually become cancer and because of that I have to go every 5 years instead of 10. Also from what I've read redundant colon makes colonoscopies difficult. And actually in the report of my colonoscopy the doctor did indicate that it was difficult. So the fact that they're more difficult and that I have to have them more often is a little bit concerning