Hydrocodone/Medical Marijuana

Posted by chilid @chilid, Sep 12, 2018

I'm 62 years old. After 15 years of taking 3200mg of Ibuprofen a day for achilles tendonitis (which damaged my kidneys...before the discovery of ibuprofen's affect on them; in about the year 2000 or so), my Dr switched me to Norco (10mg Hydrocodone, 325 Tylenol...sorry can't seem to spell the generic name). Another 15 years down the road, I started having lower back, hip & knee pain. The Norco has worked wonderfully at relieving the pain. The last couple of years, I've been having trouble sleeping. Can only seem to sleep an hour or two at a time, having to get up for bathroom runs numerous times a night. California in the meantime had legalized medical marijuana. In the sense of full disclosure, I have done pot recreationally since the early '70s, but decreasingly in the last 10 years or so. Now that it's "legal", I started taking edibles as a sleep aid; have not noticed that the marijuana has had any pain relief for me, but as a sleep aid, it's been wonderful. So, Norco for pain, pot for sleep has been my regimen for about the last 15 months, and I've been feeling 25 years younger; no pain, nearly full 8 hours straight a night of sleep. I'm waking fully rested & ready to take on my days. For the first time in the years I've been taking Norco, my Dr had me do a urinalysis, results, of course, showing both the hydrocodone AND the THC in the pot. He gave me an ultimatum: one or the other, but you can't do both (due to DEA laws, etc). At this point, being a somewhat stubborn person, I'm not willing to give up my newly regained increased quality of daily life. What are my options?

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I am glad you wrote, I have been on oxycontin ( changed to 15mg MSContin after 6 yrs ) I also take 5 / 325 percocet 5 times a day for break through pain. 17 years when it started, I have never thought of crushing those pills and snort it or shoot it up. take as prescribed and you will have little to no issues. Why is it tough for people in pain to understand that, my life is much better with a pain level at 4 rather then 8 or 9.

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Nice to hear you have a doctor that isn’t terrified to prescribe pain meds. You obviously have followed instructions and not abused. I was taking Vicodin 10/325 for 7 years as prescribed then decided to stop to gauge my pain level. I learned fairly quickly I did much better with the meds. I have since moved away from my rheumatologist and the local doctors will not prescribe because of my previous “chronic use of narcotics”. So, I just deal with it.


Nice to hear you have a doctor that isn’t terrified to prescribe pain meds. You obviously have followed instructions and not abused. I was taking Vicodin 10/325 for 7 years as prescribed then decided to stop to gauge my pain level. I learned fairly quickly I did much better with the meds. I have since moved away from my rheumatologist and the local doctors will not prescribe because of my previous “chronic use of narcotics”. So, I just deal with it.

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Keep looking for the right pain Dr. I see a doctor at a pain and rehabilitation center. I see him every 2 months. He'll do 2 scripts and when I need the 2nd one filled, I'll call. I had appt Monday that I moved from LAST Monday and I still had 10 days worth pills left. I had to pick up BP meds and told pharmacy that a script was coming in for the pain meds but not to fill it yet. I think they did anyway because I got an automated call from them but was on another call so I'm still not sure yet. Chronic pain requires constant meds. I do know that doctors must put the word chronic to get a months supply of meds. Just keep looking. They are out there. Good luck.


Nice to hear you have a doctor that isn’t terrified to prescribe pain meds. You obviously have followed instructions and not abused. I was taking Vicodin 10/325 for 7 years as prescribed then decided to stop to gauge my pain level. I learned fairly quickly I did much better with the meds. I have since moved away from my rheumatologist and the local doctors will not prescribe because of my previous “chronic use of narcotics”. So, I just deal with it.

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You should consider looking into buprenorphine for pain. It was developed to treat addiction but has been found to be a great pain reliever too. Find a doctor who's specialty is pain treatment. Read this for a better understanding and pain control. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4675640/


I am glad you wrote, I have been on oxycontin ( changed to 15mg MSContin after 6 yrs ) I also take 5 / 325 percocet 5 times a day for break through pain. 17 years when it started, I have never thought of crushing those pills and snort it or shoot it up. take as prescribed and you will have little to no issues. Why is it tough for people in pain to understand that, my life is much better with a pain level at 4 rather then 8 or 9.

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I was in your shoes having started with Tylenol w/codeine #3 and then #4for over 15 years and then onto morphine sulfate. I'm now using buprenorphine patch every 7 days and it is wonderful and I no longer have to worry about Tylenol overuse and liver damage.


You should consider looking into buprenorphine for pain. It was developed to treat addiction but has been found to be a great pain reliever too. Find a doctor who's specialty is pain treatment. Read this for a better understanding and pain control. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4675640/

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Thank you. Good idea. I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder since I followed the doctor’s prescription religiously for years yet the “addiction” label is used without footnote. The irony is that it was my idea to stop the medication to gauge my pain level. Well, I found out but the door closed behind me.
I’ll check into this alternative. Thanks again.


Gabapentin is not an antidepressant!

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It's prescribed off label all the time for depressed patients, including me.


I am glad you wrote, I have been on oxycontin ( changed to 15mg MSContin after 6 yrs ) I also take 5 / 325 percocet 5 times a day for break through pain. 17 years when it started, I have never thought of crushing those pills and snort it or shoot it up. take as prescribed and you will have little to no issues. Why is it tough for people in pain to understand that, my life is much better with a pain level at 4 rather then 8 or 9.

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Can you tell me who prescribes your OxyContin? What type of doctor?


I’m new and not sure I’m posting in the right place…forgive me. I have been reading this column which caught my eye because I have been on hydrocodone myself for about 15 years. Last month I did not pick up my medication because I had “extras “as I was trying to see if I could do without as many. Now I have to meet with my doctor and I am afraid she is going to tell me that I don’t need as many you now when I found out that I sure as hell need as many as I have after trying to do with the less. I don’t know what to tell her to have her continue to prescribe the amount that I have been getting every month and would sure appreciate some coaching in that matter. I am 82 and have back issues Periferal Neuropathy among other chronic pain issues


I’m new and not sure I’m posting in the right place…forgive me. I have been reading this column which caught my eye because I have been on hydrocodone myself for about 15 years. Last month I did not pick up my medication because I had “extras “as I was trying to see if I could do without as many. Now I have to meet with my doctor and I am afraid she is going to tell me that I don’t need as many you now when I found out that I sure as hell need as many as I have after trying to do with the less. I don’t know what to tell her to have her continue to prescribe the amount that I have been getting every month and would sure appreciate some coaching in that matter. I am 82 and have back issues Periferal Neuropathy among other chronic pain issues

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Doctors don't mind extras. Tell them you use them as needed as said it on the bottle. Personally, if I was your age, I would request something without all the tylenol. It affects blood pressure and the renal problems. I took hydrocodone for a year. Now I take oxycodone. Keeps my blood pressure more in check. Pain medication is part of your medication.
Just like blood pressure medicine.
You have no worries. Be well.


I am there also, so to speak. Because of chronic pain in my neck, caused by arthritis and also a car accident, I am also taking Hydrocodone10/325 for the last 8 years. I also have trouble sleeping, and wake up every 2 hours, either having to go to the bathroom or with a severe stomach pain, caused by constipation, which also is caused by the pain meds. Now my children are after me to take some marijuana, since it is legal in our state of California.
But I also found out, that my doc can not prescribe the hydrocodone, if I am also taking marijuana, since it is prohibited by federal law. So I did not take it.
And sure enough a few weeks ago, my pain doctor had me take a urine test, and could tell, what was in the blood. Even a sleeping pill showed up.
So I am not going there with the pot. But I decided to wean myself off the hydrocodone, and I can tell you, it is not easy. But with all the news about hydrocodone, I really hope, I can do it. Never thought, it was that dangerous, otherwise I would never started it. And I did start with two pills and then was
slowly put up to 6 a day. The problem is, they do help me. My doc says, I am dependent on the hydrocodone, not addicted. But my life is not the same anymore, and I really hope, I can be successful with the weaning off. It has been already 8 months. Wish me luck! I want my life back, and not be tired or in pain all the times. It put me in a very lonely, depressed state and nobody talks about it. Has anybody weaned off the hydro successful, after about 8 years?
One always reads about overdosing about it, but what to do and where to get help, nobody says. My other doctors do not want anything to do with it. I think, they want my pain doctor approach this with me, but he also just says, wean yourself off!!!!

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You should ask for oxycodone. If he disagrees tell him you're going to doctor shop. With online teletoc services it's easy to do. You're already receiving pain medication. It is given you problems you have a writer to ask for a different drug. Be well.

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