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Full disclosure, the decisions I made were based on invasive ductal carcinoma, not DCIS. I agree with the barbaric statement, but I would also say that treatments are getting better all the time.
I was 38 when originally diagnosed, before all the genetic testing, oncotype, mammaprint or any of those type of tests were available. I received a pathology report, and a conversation with my amazing surgeon who said more surgery, then I will turn you over to oncology.
Chemo, more surgery, radiation then came tamoxifen for 5 years and anastrazole for 10.
I agree that we have to decide who to trust and then understand that it is an imperfect choice. We weigh all the decisions and make the best one we can. Because I was young and I really wanted to stop this thing, I did every treatment they recommended. It wasn’t always easy, but I am still here to whine about it almost 19 years later.
The most persistent side effect I have is hot flashes, to this day. I also get pretty stiff if I don’t get up and get moving.
May I ask your age range? Since you are asking about age, it must be relevant to you?

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Replies to "Full disclosure, the decisions I made were based on invasive ductal carcinoma, not DCIS. I agree..."

Thank you for your input Chris it is very helpful. I am 70 yrs old and have been single for 20 years. The diagnosis was my birthday gift😓 last year. My age has a lot to do with my decisions Chris because I’ve had a great life and have wonderful friends and family supporting me. I enjoy being active and healthy at my age. It’s an important aspect of my daily life that I’m not willing to risk giving up for 5yrs with possible short and long term side effects from medication . My doctor told me that I’m “lucky” having my cancer situation- DCIS Paget’s that was caught early. Whatever time I have left on this earth I am grateful for and I am living everyday to the fullest doing everything that brings me joy . I just retired from my job which I wasn’t planning to do yet because I enjoy what I do. However my life is pulling me in a new direction. I’ve been Spending time with friends and family, gardening, riding my bike swimming, hiking and yoga ~I’m a yoga \meditation instructor. I also have just come thru 2 years of caregiving for my 99 yr old father- he passed on thanksgiving 2022. My body / mind / mental state is just coming into balance while still grieving losing both my parents in 2 yrs and the shock of this diagnosis. So I’m beginning radiation on monday and that’s That’s all I can manage for now…. Just live my life and be happy with what I have left. I’m at peace with my decision and we’ll see what happens down the road. My dr supports whatever I decide.