← Return to Need some insight. Cannot see neurologist for 7 months.

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Thank you for your reply and I’m sorry you’ve gone through that much for so long. It’s good to know there are many reasons that could be causing this rather than the worst and I really appreciate you taking the time to share. Im happy you and your son managed to find out what was the source of your issues and was able to get help. There are hospitals near by I had just always assumed I’d be waiting there for 12 plus hours since I wouldn’t be an emergency. However, 12 hours is better than 7 months. Thank you again for replying!

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Replies to "Hi, Thank you for your reply and I’m sorry you’ve gone through that much for so..."

Hi @slyfryryeguy — when I mentioned teaching hospitals, I really meant the medical offices that are associated. For instance, if you look up UCLA neurology you’ll see they have a neuromuscular clinic associated with the hospital. Check for neuromuscular neurologists associated with your nearest teaching (university) hospital or research clinic like Mayo. 🙂