Shoulder Replacement Surgery: Range of motion?

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Jun 21, 2018

Curious if anyone’s had a shoulder replacement. I’m in need of a couple replacements. After the doctor I wanted decided he wanted a Neurological evaluation because of my Seizures he was reluctant to do my surgeries fearing I’d continue to have seizures and damage the replacements so I decided to wait. I’m interested in knowing if anyone with a replacement had increased or decreased range of motion and substantially reduced pain and how long did the complete recovery period take. I’ve heard the recovery time was one year. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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It's my dominant shoulder. I'm not worried about dressing and I can bring in frozen dinners. Bathroom issues are what worry me. How long is it before you were able to drive yourself. I have friends who will stop by but they don't live close enough that I would expect them to drop by every day. I'm sure they would help with shopping. How long is it before I can take care of myself? Use my my arm to brush my teeth, etc.

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I started practicing now with using my left hand for everything. It’s hard. Contact your local senior citizens group for some help. There are also some funny but ver good videos online about how to do basics after shoulder replacement. And driving? Uber and friends.


I had a reverse shoulder replacement after I fell @ the office last December. I work part time for enjoyment. I’m 71. Exercise 3 times a week & eat a healthy diet. I shattered my shoulder & had it replaced. I am 3 months out from surgery. My surgeon said recently that I am not progressing as he would like to see. I’m on Workman’s Comp. I had PT the 1st month I was home once a week & did the exercises on my own. Second month no PT. Third month PT kicked in on W Comp. My surgeon said I had a lot of fragments when I shattered my shoulder. He is also now saying that something is detaching in my shoulder & he wants to pop “it” back in & if that doesn’t work he’d put a bigger device in my shoulder. I’m very frustrated & upset @ this point. I have about 20% motion in my arm & I'm certainly not ready for another surgery so soon. My recovery was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. Anyone have similar experience & is willing to share that would be appreciated. I don’t know which way to turn currently. . . .

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