Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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This is what I do too. If I feel it coming on I do broth for a couple of days until it passes. Has anyone ever had dark purplish blood in their stools and if so is that part of the diverticulitis symptoms?

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From what I have read and been told, blood in stool is a very bad sign. There should not be blood ever. Better ask the doctor to check you out.


I am top of it and having it checked out. Thanks for your reply.


Well, the half pill for a BM didn't work. Tonight I ate a peeled apple and a boiled potato with salt. Half hour later: Attack! The knife attack!! I now wonder if my colon doesn't like apple or potato. Time for another pain pill.

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I can't say exactly what caused the pain you experienced, @maxine50, but the apple would have done it for me. Lots of fiber which would trigger symptoms. Like I said, that is just what I would have experienced.

When you say you took "half a pill" what kind of pill was it? Have you ever tried a liquid laxative product like Milk of Magnesia or liquid Dulcolax. Liquid laxative products work better for me, but you it might be good to check with your doctor first as you don't want to exacerbate the pain.


I have suffered from IBS, diverticulitis and spastic colon for many years. I have tried zillion things. Many doctors and tons of meds. Do not have celiac or gluten allergy.
When it flares up…I take at least for a week…
Sour dough bread slices for breakfast, lunch rice,
yogurt(1/2 cup twice a day)), fresh pineapple ( 4/5 pieces) in the evening. Late afternoon warm ginger, lemon and 1/4 teaspoons honey tea. If stomach is very spasmodic and pain full I take one tablet of Gabapentin. And most of all breathing exercises twice a day. This seems to help! 🤷‍♀️☮️

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Gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) is a medicine used to treat partial seizures, nerve pain from shingles and restless leg syndrome. It works on the chemical messengers in your brain and nerves. Gabapentin is from a group of medicines called anticonvulsants.
Gabapentin can cause life-threatening breathing problems, especially if you already have a breathing disorder or if you use other medicines that can make you drowsy or slow your breathing. Seek emergency medical attention if you have very slow breathing.

Some people have thoughts about suicide or behavior changes while taking gabapentin. Stay alert to changes in your mood or symptoms. Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor.

Avoid driving or hazardous activity until you know how gabapentin will affect you. Dizziness or drowsiness can cause falls, accidents, or severe injuries.

Do not stop using gabapentin suddenly, even if you feel fine.

I don't think this drug is for me. But, thanks for mentioning it. I am now going to put all fruits or veggies in my blender and make food smoothies to eat. I think with no real food, it won't get stuck in me and case me severe pain. I'll find out.


This is what I do too. If I feel it coming on I do broth for a couple of days until it passes. Has anyone ever had dark purplish blood in their stools and if so is that part of the diverticulitis symptoms?

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Dark purplish blood can be indicative of bleeding from the small intestine or stomach area. Blood originating in the colon is almost always bright red blood (fresh blood color) if the purplish blood is there, I urge you to see your Doctor ASAP.


My girlfriend told me to cook fruits, vegetable, eggs, even prunes and let them cool before putting them in a blender to make it into soup which should not stick to the colon. She gave me beet liquid she made. It was good. She says, "That's a Liquid Diet". I'm starting it today. So much work!! I hope it really works.


My girlfriend told me to cook fruits, vegetable, eggs, even prunes and let them cool before putting them in a blender to make it into soup which should not stick to the colon. She gave me beet liquid she made. It was good. She says, "That's a Liquid Diet". I'm starting it today. So much work!! I hope it really works.

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Were they certain fruits and vegetables?
That she cooked before adding to the blender.


Were they certain fruits and vegetables?
That she cooked before adding to the blender.

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She said everything! But, I just made some white rice which seems to be alright to eat.


Were they certain fruits and vegetables?
That she cooked before adding to the blender.

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I cooked some prunes, mashed them, put them in the blender, put them in empty Snapple bottle, put in fridge overnight, drank some this morning. Not bad at all. Today, will cook some veggies. No pain so far. Maxine


I had my last colonoscopy a 2-3 years ago and told my GI I was having sharp stabbing pain in my left lower pelvis area. He dismissed my concerns and said it was my IBS. I told him I know I've had IBS/GERD now barretts for 30 years and know the symptons. Fast forward I struggle with IBS - C and D and and I starting having that pain more frequently. I know what to eat and what no for my issues. Recently I noticed my bowel movement were perfect balls about a little smaller than a golf ball. always about 5 at a time. Then I noticed mubowel movement looked identical like small pellets. Bouts of normal movement, constipation, severe diahreia not making it to the toilet in time or I my colon was like numb and I would have a small movenet with no feeling until i got the the bathroom. It has advanced and I changed Gi's and can't get an appt. until the end of July. A recent scan can showed diverticulousis but I know it has advanced beause I sometime see light pink tinge after I wipe. I have about 8 major autoimune illness and a ton of offspring. Lupus and Sjogrens have helped themself to all my organs and body parts literally. I feel like I'm slowly dying. Any comments, suggetions would be appreciated,. Wondering why my doctor didn't see the diverticulosis when I had the colonscopy. Is it visible? How long does it take to take from the time I started having sharp jabbing pain in my pelvis to diverticulitis. Many thanks.

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