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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (2464)

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Hi Elizabeth, I do admit that squirrels and bird feeders can be a challenge. They are quite the determined little gymnasts. I had a bird feeder, but they are not allowed by my HOA so I got rid of it when rats and mice showed up. I miss the birds. I had at least a dozen different kinds showing up as well as ducks.

Since I lost my last dog, I consider the squirrels my pets and I don't have to walk them or clean up after them. Perfect! I don't hand feed the squirrels anymore just because I have a hard time holding a nut with my neuropathy so it's best just to toss them to the squirrels. Also once in awhile there will be a grabby one that likes to hold onto your finger or climb my leg and they have sharp claws like cats. Ouch! One accidentally bit my finger a few years ago because I was trying to film it at the same time I was feeding it and lost track of the squirrel. The video then showed I pulled the nut away just as he was reaching for it so he dove for it and grabbed my finger by accident. Oops.

Lots of animals carry rabies, but my research including the CDC indicated that squirrels (and other small rodents and rabbits) do not carry rabies any more than humans do and no one in the US had ever gotten rabies from a squirrel so no rabies shots necessary. Sorry you went through the shots. I just washed my little bite with soap and water and all was good. Everyone should do their own research, but that was my conclusion and decision.

Hope you feel better soon! I would love to see some bird pics when you get a chance. 🙂

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Replies to "Hi Elizabeth, I do admit that squirrels and bird feeders can be a challenge. They are..."

@californiazebra and all...well, my new friend, you lucked out. I couldn't do any research and the medical world considered squirrels rabies carriers at the time. This was in the 1960s. No Google. No desk tops. No computers or unturned. Docs said shots. I got shots. Think it scarred me for life!I did get over it the last of covid and I gave up pretty much and let myself enjoy their antics. I did some research then to find some solutions that actually might work. Thus, safflower seeds, 2 feeders. Tues of peanuts to keep them nusy and off seeds fir songbirds and woods. I have 3 baffles that do work IF I'm smart where I hand the feeders a d what's nearby...chairs, fountains, birdbaths, pots, etc. Nothing they can't use to jump...I can't use window feeders which I love. They find ways to use softies, molding, whatever to hang or jump. So, tossed them.

My condo building neighbors all know these feeders are my joy and I have little of that in life last 25 years, so they all kindet me keep the.. we're about to rid ourselves of rats, rodent invasion. But, it was caused by poor maintenance and soffit holes not repaired well. I told the world the feeders stay and they agreed. Roof repaired. Holes repaired, traps set and poison out so were moving along.
I will surely send some pictures of my visitors after I wash the windows...then you can enjoy with me. BTW: we have raccoons in our woodlands at back of property and they do carry rabies. Haven't seen them recently...may have moved on.
Enjoy but no more hand feeding....blessings all.
Added some pics from last years birds. Also, squirrel trees outside windows!!! Cheating....