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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (2464)

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@californiazebra, @loribmt, @johnbishop, @artscaping. and all...Cal, I had a love for squirrels when I went to college, here in Florida. We had buildings with internal open areas with trees and shrubbery and lots of squirrels. Hungey, active, 'friendly' squirrels. I fed them until one day as I was my usual walking to class feeding the cute things peanuts, one bit the heck out of my finger. I don't blame the darn squirrel, but myself for being so gullible. I had 2 full weeks of rabies shots in my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and those things hurt like crazy! I was bent over for over an hour, in tears and pain, after each shot, then got to go to classes and play happily with the stupid squirrels. Not my favorite since.....until now.
I have 7 birdfeeders and a couple of water fountains on my deck/patio. Surrounded by live oak trees, holly trees, water oaks and maples...and lots of pines. So, lots of squirrels. After acceptance of the inevitable, I enjoy their antics, chasing and eating my tubes of peanuts and sunflower seeds. They are happy to munch on the birdseed not meant for them, but I've learned some tricks of placement, and covering to help keep them focused elsewhere. Added safflower seeds for many other birds, especially Doves, and squirrels don't like! Goody. Helps.
So, we're more of a happy family now, but for the rat's invasion, I've been attacking. Doing better. The deterrent spray may help, not sure yet. Poison is a good thing for them!
Resting today as ferritin levels keep falling. Getting referrals from rheumatology, Mayo, to Endocrinology/Metabolic Bone Disease and Hematology. YEAH! Looks like getting some help with these issues soon....Blessings, all. Elizabeth

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Replies to "@californiazebra, @loribmt, @johnbishop, @artscaping. and all...Cal, I had a love for squirrels when I went to..."

Hi Elizabeth, I do admit that squirrels and bird feeders can be a challenge. They are quite the determined little gymnasts. I had a bird feeder, but they are not allowed by my HOA so I got rid of it when rats and mice showed up. I miss the birds. I had at least a dozen different kinds showing up as well as ducks.

Since I lost my last dog, I consider the squirrels my pets and I don't have to walk them or clean up after them. Perfect! I don't hand feed the squirrels anymore just because I have a hard time holding a nut with my neuropathy so it's best just to toss them to the squirrels. Also once in awhile there will be a grabby one that likes to hold onto your finger or climb my leg and they have sharp claws like cats. Ouch! One accidentally bit my finger a few years ago because I was trying to film it at the same time I was feeding it and lost track of the squirrel. The video then showed I pulled the nut away just as he was reaching for it so he dove for it and grabbed my finger by accident. Oops.

Lots of animals carry rabies, but my research including the CDC indicated that squirrels (and other small rodents and rabbits) do not carry rabies any more than humans do and no one in the US had ever gotten rabies from a squirrel so no rabies shots necessary. Sorry you went through the shots. I just washed my little bite with soap and water and all was good. Everyone should do their own research, but that was my conclusion and decision.

Hope you feel better soon! I would love to see some bird pics when you get a chance. 🙂