Please help - Adrenaline spikes and other things

Posted by ashmariedunn @ashmariedunn, May 8, 2023

I am looking for support or possible similar experiences, as I am tired of being told this is in my head/just anxiety. For almost 2 weeks, I wake up very early in the morning with an overwhelming amount of what I think is adrenaline - Racing heart, diarrhea and often nausea/vomiting, muscles twitches, etc. Sleeping has become close to impossible, despite incredible fatigue. During the day I have frequent thirst but also frequent urination. I also have decreased appetite. I was treated over a week ago for low potassium and put on a high potassium diet, which has been difficult due to gastrointestinal issues but last potassium test (yesterday 5/8) came back fine so all these bananas are doing something. EKG was normal aside from shortened PR interval, for which I was already referred to Cardiology (who I see on May 16th). I did a week long cardiac event monitor in early April which picked up lots of low burden PVCs and one episode of Atrial Tachycardia (222 bpm lasting about 21 seconds). My heart rate is much higher upon standing but no drop in BP that I’m aware of (in fact, I think my BP increases). Have a hard time regulating my temp so I’m often shaking. Worst of all, everything is affecting my mood. Before this, I was a busy active mom who always jumped at a chance to volunteer at my daughters school, even coaching the girls running practice for a 5k at the end of this month. Now I feel incredibly burdensome. My partner has been tremendously helpful through everything but I hate that the weight has been placed on him when he already does so much. I don’t know how to get through this. I’m so tired and afraid that I’ll never get answers and/or never improve.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Diabetes & Endocrine System Support Group.

I am experiencing rhe same thing
Please call me
Kevin 310 503 9726

Mold , parasites , gut issues


You might want to have your hormones checked.
Thyroid,estrogen, etc. An endocrinologist might be a big help.


Hi , read your post with great interest but sorry you are suffering.
Have you been tested for Primary Hyperaldosteronism or Conns syndrome ,you have some of the same symptoms.?
Also pheochromocytoma?
Both can cause anxiety like States because they affect adrenal glands by overproducing certain hormones.
Diagnosis is by blood tests and scans, wishing you all the best.


Hi , read your post with great interest but sorry you are suffering.
Have you been tested for Primary Hyperaldosteronism or Conns syndrome ,you have some of the same symptoms.?
Also pheochromocytoma?
Both can cause anxiety like States because they affect adrenal glands by overproducing certain hormones.
Diagnosis is by blood tests and scans, wishing you all the best.

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I have not been tested for anything in regards to my adrenal glands, hormones, anything. I believe these tests will be happening at tomorrows appt. My doctor is considering just about everything right now. I’ve been journaling my symptoms each day and the more I look over everything, the more I am leaning towards hyperPOTS and possibly MCAS (unexplained hives over the last several months, red marks left over from minor contact on my skin, facial flushing). I know there will be many appointments for me coming up in the near future and I’m just trying to keep my mental health stable during everything.

I’ve also been dealing with digestion issues that have landed me in the ER for fluids twice in the last week. This morning I’ve been able to eat a slice of gluten free toast and an egg, within two hours of each other. Meet with the gastroenterologist next week to test for delayed emptying but I’m not super thrilled about it.


I have not been tested for anything in regards to my adrenal glands, hormones, anything. I believe these tests will be happening at tomorrows appt. My doctor is considering just about everything right now. I’ve been journaling my symptoms each day and the more I look over everything, the more I am leaning towards hyperPOTS and possibly MCAS (unexplained hives over the last several months, red marks left over from minor contact on my skin, facial flushing). I know there will be many appointments for me coming up in the near future and I’m just trying to keep my mental health stable during everything.

I’ve also been dealing with digestion issues that have landed me in the ER for fluids twice in the last week. This morning I’ve been able to eat a slice of gluten free toast and an egg, within two hours of each other. Meet with the gastroenterologist next week to test for delayed emptying but I’m not super thrilled about it.

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It looks like you have alot going on at the moment with your health.
Is your BP high?
The delayed emptying of stomach test isn't so bad if you can tolerate the oral medicine.
I hope you get some answers soon, have been in your position and can appreciate the frustration with it all.
I just hate it when Drs try and blame anxiety for everything just because they have no answers!!
Wishing you well , take care of yourself and try a bit of distraction so it's not constantly on your mind.
Just a short walk or listen to a piece of music for half an hour.


It looks like you have alot going on at the moment with your health.
Is your BP high?
The delayed emptying of stomach test isn't so bad if you can tolerate the oral medicine.
I hope you get some answers soon, have been in your position and can appreciate the frustration with it all.
I just hate it when Drs try and blame anxiety for everything just because they have no answers!!
Wishing you well , take care of yourself and try a bit of distraction so it's not constantly on your mind.
Just a short walk or listen to a piece of music for half an hour.

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My BP has been on the low side for as long as I can remember. I had never passed out from it but did have many “standing spells” where I would stand up and get dizzy and my vision would go dark for a few seconds. In the last 6 months, I’ve consistently had readings that fall into Stage 1 hypertension. Of course, these have all been at doctors appointments and I understand they could be the classic white coat syndrome (which has never been an issue for me) so it’s really hard to know. I did purchase an at home blood pressure cuff just to see if I can gauge where I’m at on non-appointment days.

I’m really hesitating on the stomach test, because I’m not entirely sure I will need it. I’ve been able to eat more today than I have been in the last several days so I’m hopeful that things are now moving along. I DO think I’ve been having some mild reflux because I’ve been so ill, which makes me anxious, and in turn gives me more upset stomach. It’s a vicious cycle for sure. I appreciate your kind words and advice and certainly take them to heart!


Since you have had an Upper Endoscopy in the past maybe it is time for another Upper Endoscopy with biopsies encouraged.
My symptoms were similar and diagnosis offered treatment.
For me the most difficult part was waiting for biopsy results. Good luck and keep searching.


Since you have had an Upper Endoscopy in the past maybe it is time for another Upper Endoscopy with biopsies encouraged.
My symptoms were similar and diagnosis offered treatment.
For me the most difficult part was waiting for biopsy results. Good luck and keep searching.

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Repeat endoscopy is definitely a possibility. I’ve always had issues with anesthesia of any kind. My last endo, which was in 2016, was pretty traumatizing. So it’s not something I want to go through again unless absolutely necessary. Which in this case, it may be. Thank you for your kindness


Your symptoms sound exactly like mine. for 3 years before I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Your symptoms: excessive thirst, extra peeing, heat racing or pounding, especially at dawn (dawn phenominon) , muscle cramps and aches, nausea, sleep disturbance, and infections that recur or prolonged healing.
I also have JRA, Graves, Hashimotos, Sjogrens, RA, Vitiligo, celiac… and some of the symptoms overlapped so it took awhile to get the correct diagnosis and start insulin
I wish someone on my medical team had thought to run the blood tests for autoimmune diabetes-Type 1. Single labs BG tests (like blood glucose and A1C may not show the autoimmune aspect of beta cells of the pancreas dying over time, while the symptoms become increasingly difficult to ignore.


You sound like my wife in part. She was diagnosed with a paraganglioma
by a cancer doctor who did a biopsy to see what the problem was. Her
symptoms is heart racing ( palpitations), weakness, back aches, headaches.
irritable, can't sleep without sleep meds, THEN the hormone rush which is hard to explain but it can cause body odor that is terrible. Only one doctor that seems to know about the hormones. With any luck her next doc visit with him will be the 17th. this month, 05/17/23.
A good question is: can the hormones be controlled by medicine. We are
hoping that it can. Does anyone here know for sure? Thanks for all of the
different folks posting. It really helps others.

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